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Spock here, A little story.


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B)Spock here, Haven't been on puter to much, to many things going on. A little over a month ago my slaves came home one day with no smile and little talk, I didn't understand so I did my best tear-able twos, making them ask me two or three times to do something, getting into things etc.I over heard them say they were "Robbed" [whats that?] Well it seems someone took master slaves bag out of the handicap cart he was driving and it had his wallet, computer, check book, camera etc [no pictures!!!] ,he said he was to slow to catch them and store had no video facing right way...

Oh well, I didn't know what sad was, know now, I was acting my age, but things weren't right,

so I tried to cuddle and talk to them and they would laugh, I felt better, so now when they don't smile I bop there nose and bleep.[no camera!!!] I'm trying to talk so hard, Jim is teaching me, won't be long...We talk back and forth to each other, he'll do one half of wolf whistle and I'll do other half..[cute] I have ordered slaves to write a post about me..:P


Live long and Prosper





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"Robbed" how awful and how heartless to do it to someone handicapped, some people do things that make my blood boil and this is one of them.


I really enjoy your stories about Spock and Jim, you make them so interesting with their point of view and he is quite a character too, love the ones of him hanging off your hand and laying on his back, wish Josey would do that but she ain't having none of it.


Thanks for another greyt story and pictures.

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So sorry to hear about your being the victim of a crime, I wish I was there to beat up the bad guys for you. I promise there wouldn't be anything left but a greasy spot when I was done with them! Spock is so intuitive as to make you feel better and understanding that you were not in the best of moods. He's a great grey!

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Spock - you will be a real tonic to Jay & Maggie - they will have to realise that all the people in the world aren't as trusting and caring as they are. There are some real low lifes and I could really turn this into a torrent of rage and abuse - but you're only a baby and I don't want you hearing such terrible words.


I pray and hope that these nasty people get some terrible disease and it rots and drops off!


They are so lucky to have you and Jim and I'm sure you really did make them feel special :)

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:) Thank you kind people...:) after we realized how Spock responded to our mood change we were concerned, he did have a change, we put smiles on our face and talked to him a lot. :) He would perch on my leg and preen after a while, no permanent change.
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Oh No Jay, what a terrible thing to happen to you and your wife!


It just RILES me up when I hear of something like this and makes me want to open up a Can-O-WhoopA$$.


Fortunately, the great commentary by Spock and photos, along with his mostly perfect logic stopped my out of control spin-up.


I truly am sorry to hear of this incident.

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Jay and Maggie I am so sorry that some low life scum of the earth doesn't even have enough of a spine to pick on someone that is capable of giving them a fair run for the money. What comes around goes around though and I'm fairly sure God has something planned for that person I don't think I'd want to be in his shoes when his Karma catches up to him. Spock your a very good bird to sense that there was a problem and it was very nice of you to try and help cheer up your parronts when they needed it the most. Take care I hope that guy gets everything he's got coming to it make me so angry that their are low lives that have the audacity to pick on someone disabled it makes me sick just to think about it.

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