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Silly Yoshi :P


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So yesterday after a shower with me, Yoshi was on her cage-top finishing drying off flapping and being crazy. She is always hyper after being wet. My husband and I were in the room on our laptops, and my husband was playing music. All of a sudden, Yoshi joined in with a couple happy squawks that soon changed to quiet, then louder grumbling croaky sounds. Lol, don't know how else to describe it, but I think she is trying to talk or something, just sounds nothing like words.


She hasn't done anything of the sort since yesterday afternoon... back to her quiet self. I want to give her another shower after work and see what happens :P Funny thing, when we turned the music off yesterday to try and understand her better, she didn't say a thing... only while music was playing.


Also, over the last few days Yoshi sure does beg a lot... we have had dinners with cheese and meat in them the last few days and Yoshi has been getting tid-bits of cheese (which she would die for apparently), apples, chicken, burger, and other stuff. The biggest hit with her is cheese... Well while it was cute at first, now I'm worried. Last night, just before bed at like 10:30, saying goodnight to Yoshi, no where near food, she was doing the begging thing, nibbling at my fingers, and this morning. It makes me feel like she is starving... yet she hasn't been eating hardly any of her 'Zupreme pellets' in her cage... just her seed mix and millet...


Is the increase in begging just because she got a little spoiled the last few days with multiple human foods?

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Yoshi is still doing the begging obsessively... we went out last night and I filled her treat bowl with peas carrots and a cracker and apple and whatever else I could find her that's more healthy and not more cheese... when we came back she had eaten half of it at least and seemed happy...


This begging is rediculous though, like every time we get our fingers close to her, she is begging and making her little begging squeaks...


Have you guys actually seen this behavior? Is it something she will grow out of when she is older?

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Sorry, she is out is what I mean, I didn't make that clear. She was with both my husband and I on the couch earlier, and instead of her usual (by usual I mean like last week before this behavior got so obsessive) trying to get scratches and trying to get on our shoulders or find something to slowely take apart... no all she did was 'squeak, squeak, squeak' really soft noises while looking up expectantly and if either of us touch her she reaches out and yanks at are finger like she is trying to gulp something down. No pinches, no aggressivness, just this feeling of being starving or something... that or just incredibly insistant at begging.


She always has Zupreme pellets in her bowl, so she isn't without food... usually has treats like millet, seed every couple days... and whatever we have for lunch and dinner she gets a bit too. But now she is hardly eating the pellets, yet doing all this begging...


I don't know, maybe I'm over-reacting... but I used to have a Quaker, spoiled as can be, yet she never begged like Yoshi does now.


I tried to be more descriptive... I don't know if I will be able to upload a video but I'll try tonight...

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OK, got it! Thanks for the better details.


The first thing I think of, is she may want a spoon feeding of formula of something with the same or a little thicker consistency like baby food warmed up.


Try it and spoon feed it to her. See if that stops the begging. :-)


We had to do this for Dayo the first couple of months he was here. Then he just got to where he no longer begged for or wanted it.

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