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Fed Up!


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I'm fed up with being bitten by my fids. The last few days Beau has been very nippy both towards me and his beloved Steve. I'm not sure what (if anything) has caused this but today Argyle has been the same, I go to feed him or give him a treat and the crafty bu@@er pretends to take it of me and at the last minute turns to nip me, the result of this is I have dents all over my fingers and a small bruise - I need my fingers to earn my living. I thought animals never bit the hand that feeds?!!


Anyway, to top it all my laptop is now functioning at a snail's pace and I'm feeling sorry for myself. Sorry guys, had to vent!

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Aww Julie, keep your chin up!

You will just be having one of those weeks (hopefully!)


All birds can have their off days and get grouchy and sometimes a bit nippy. I went through this with Keeko a couple of weeks ago and now all is back to normal.


As for laptops, my lovely teenage daughter has broken mine so I have pinched Daves while he is away, dont know what I will do when he gets back lol.


A big fiendly hug coming from up North:kiss:

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Awwwww, it's "Ok" Jooles. Your Boo boo's will get all better and tonight you can have a few glasses of the cure all....... wine. :-)


Now, that I've soothed you and assured you, reality check. :P Sometimes they just have pissy days and they bite to see what kind of day your having, to ensure your is pissy too. ;-)


Now if your Dogs bite you, you are really going to have a hell of a day. :P


Parrots bite, blood spurts, people scream or fake that it doesn't hurt and life happens. :-)


I know you will really enjoy that wine!!


Tomorrow will be another and DIFFERENT day, I hope!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/29 20:25

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

I thought animals never bit the hand that feeds?!!


Sorry Julie, that might apply to dogs and cats but not birds, they can and do bite, there is evidence of that all over this forum, Dan even started a club for it.


Is Beau maybe going thru a molt right now, that might make him grumpy but you may just have to do a better job of reading their body language but Argyle sounds like he has pegged you for a sucker.


Hang in there Julie and see if it improves.

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Perhaps you have the tastiest, softest skin ever! Michael's nearly given up with Harvey nowadays - all he ever does is take a swipe at him - even now to point where he won't step up onto him. He's a bit disheartened - but keeps on trying.


We all have our off days - perhaps Beau and Argyle are just having joint ones! Keep your chin up - I'm sure it's a passing phase - everything will be back to normal soon :kiss:

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Thanks everyone for your support.


This is unrelated but Beau seems to me to be petrified of Argyle. I have to have them out seperately but today when Argyle took off from his cage to come into this room, Beau took fright and flapped all over his cage, as a result of this he has a small knock (scratch) just above his nostils, it is red but isn't bleeding. He doesn't seem bothered by this and is behaving normally. Beau seems to have become a real scaredy cat as he's gotton older. We have a plastic seat which opens up and is a storage box in the garden which we overfilled and it sprang open yesterday, Beau went ballistic!<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/09/29 20:48

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I'll bet you will get up tomorrow and everything will be back to normal again.


I find that Josey is maybe more of a scaredy cat now than she was earlier, she is very skittish and easily startled, of course she is sort of high strung anyways.


About that plastic seat springing open and Beau went ballistic, Josey would have too.

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While Dixie has never been a biter, Sterling gets quite grumpy when it's bed time. You know it's 7:55 pm because Sterling starts his vocalizations and they are very loud. That literally means - lights out! and Sterling is in the family room. We turn off his light and lower the volume on the tv and by 8:00 he's quite content, by 9:00 the room better be empty however. In the morning he's his normal self - calling out the day at 7:30 a.m. without fail and telling the world it's time to get up and fix breakfast. If his lights are left on longer than they should be the night before however, he's a real bear the next day.

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For a second when I read your post, I thought "Aww bless her heart." Then, the slapstick humor bug got the best of me. I would love to see the look in Argyle's eye as he sweetly lures you in with all your trust and a treat in hand, then PSYCHE! with the swipe instead. I can just hear the two of them getting together... didja see the look on her face when she dropped that treat? That'll fix her for laughing when the plastic seat played jack-in-the-box.

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