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Silly Bird !!!


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Darius just loves to play and when he get to having fun the first thin he does is roll over on his back so I can tickle under is chin and his tummy he has got to be the sweetwst gentlest bird I've ever seen we have so much fun he just love to come and hang out on my bed in the morning and play for an hour or so I find he really needs this one on one time on a daily basis so before I get the other birds up he come into my room and hangs out with me we have so much fun just playing and cuddleing what a great companion he is.



HPIM5419-2.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/29 19:43

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He's an absolute beaut :) I have to say though, I can't see myself (at the moment) being able to play with Meiko the way you do with Darius, he doesn't seem to be very receptive of playing. He's not very touchy feely and doesn't like being touched anywhere except when giving him scratches on the back of his head, he does love being petted on the back though. He even starts to fall asleep when I do it :P Perhaps it's because he's young, but I can't see myself playing with him rolling around on his back like a lot of other birds I've seen! Anyway, sorry to ramble. You have a lovely bird there :cheer:

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tommyn wrote:

He's an absolute beaut :) I have to say though, I can't see myself (at the moment) being able to play with Meiko the way you do with Darius, he doesn't seem to be very receptive of playing. He's not very touchy feely and doesn't like being touched anywhere except when giving him scratches on the back of his head, he does love being petted on the back though. He even starts to fall asleep when I do it :P Perhaps it's because he's young, but I can't see myself playing with him rolling around on his back like a lot of other birds I've seen! Anyway, sorry to ramble. You have a lovely bird there :cheer:


How old is Meiko are you at all intimadated by the size of him or his beak. all Macaws will try to intimadate their owners to see if the can get away wth it you can not allow him to ever get the upper hand or it will only get worse. If he bites don't ever say ouch or pull away he will only continue if you can stand it always try to push into a bite not away from it. then calmly and quietly put the bird on his play stand and say no bite in a firm voice and turn your back don't say another word don't look at him or anything for at least 2 minutes then go back and ask if he's going to be good and if he is he can come and play. If he steps up nicely then give him lots of praise and tell him he's a good boy. keep a toy with you at all times if he starts to explore with his beak put a toy in his mouth and say heres a toy. They are great companions but they really need to learn boundrys at a young age and they can sence imediatly if your at all afraid of them and will push it to the limit. So bury those feeling as deep as you can and pretty soon you will have a cuddly loving companion like Darius. I thought for sure I was going to have trouble with Darius before I brought him home he lunged and bit every person in hhis previous home over the 4 days I visited him I thought for sure it was going to be months before I could handle him. That was not the case he regurgatated for me the day I brought him home and has done it everyday since iguess it was love at first site. He can be a brat like all bird and he trys to push his luck when he doesn't want me to take him back to his playstand but I never back down and he's getting better everyday. good luck I hope you can turn things around and have a wonderful friendship with Meiko like I have with Darius

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Meiko is about 8 months old now, I'm not intimidated by him anymore and when he goes to bite (he does grab my fingers very hard) I push against the bite, to the point where he actually pulls away. He constantly comes over to the side of the cage and grabs my hand and starts regurgitating, so I'm getting mixed signals from him. :laugh:


He also WON'T stay put on my arm. He pulls himself up onto my shoulder and will refuse to get off sometimes, he's managed to pull himself up onto my shoulder and bite at my glasses and even bite clumps of my hair :pinch: I've had times where I couldn't get him off my shoulder/back and had to call my sister to get him off. If he does bite hard, I'll say NO and put him back into his cage, but again I'm standing there with my arm in the cage and he just won't get off. :P

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tommyn wrote:

Meiko is about 8 months old now, I'm not intimidated by him anymore and when he goes to bite (he does grab my fingers very hard) I push against the bite, to the point where he actually pulls away. He constantly comes over to the side of the cage and grabs my hand and starts regurgitating, so I'm getting mixed signals from him. :laugh:


He also WON'T stay put on my arm. He pulls himself up onto my shoulder and will refuse to get off sometimes, he's managed to pull himself up onto my shoulder and bite at my glasses and even bite clumps of my hair :pinch: I've had times where I couldn't get him off my shoulder/back and had to call my sister to get him off. If he does bite hard, I'll say NO and put him back into his cage, but again I'm standing there with my arm in the cage and he just won't get off. :P


When he trys to get up onto your shoulder block him with your other hand it sounds like he's trying to push his weight around you also need to teach him how to be Gentle when he grabs your finger or hand long before it starts to hurt say gentle and if he lets go give him tons of praise. When you put him back in his cage and he refuses to step down give your arm and hand a good shake to put him off balance and say step down at the same time if he still refuses give him a little push not hard just enough to get him to move, turn your back imediatly and don't look at him or talk to him start with a 2 minute time out and extend this by 30seconds for each time he doesn't behave. Make sure you say no bite time out so he knows that he'a getting a time out for biting if you have a play stand or a smaller cage that you can use for time outs it would be much better to use either of them rather than the cage he uses as his home which sould always be a place of safty and comfort. A small cage works well for time out or even a table top perch that has no toys just as long as he know he's being deprived of your attention because he is biting always make sure when he does behave and doesn't bite or refuse to step down that you reward him with tons of possitive reenforcment make him a new foot toy or give him his favorite treat and lots of praise get excited about how proud you are of him for being such a good boy. Positive reenforcment is always the best way to teach your bird. I'm not an expert at this I just am telling you what has worked for me and my birds. I hope thing get better for you and your bird its sound like he really wants to be with you so a few short time outs should work fairly quickly<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/30 08:53

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Thanks for your reply Pat, all of your advice is very much appreciated. In a couple of hours we're bringing him to the avian specialist for the full health check and hopefully on the way back get him a playstand and some toys, so from this evening onward he should pretty much be out of his cage most of the day and just in his cage at night! Undoubtedly I'll need your suggestions and advice again, thanks for your help :) Karma to you!




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