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Does your grey laugh when it's funny?


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Does your grey laugh when it's funny. Asside from his chattering and practice sessions does he know what he's saying when he wants to communicate. I think Tobie does. Anyone else have some video of your birds being brilliant with their words or laughing at their own jokes?

Here is Tobies latest video.


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Tobie is really funny. I find him very entertaining and a big joker.:P


Between Tobie's got a red butt and Emma's Where's my red bum bum? That would be hilarious if they were both in the same room


I don't think Emma laughs at all when it's funny:P . Emma will imitate my laugh very well and then say "what's so funny?" "I'm so funny!"


I'll say to her "nothing's funny and you're not funny either." :P



Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/29 05:38<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/29 06:01

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Grey't video I really enjoyed he's quite the smarty pants isn't. Tyco talks to me also but as soon as I take the camera out she shuts her mouth and won't say another word until I put it away I just bought myself a new camcorder so as soon as I get a firewire outlet put onto my computer I'll make lots of videos because I will be able to set up the camera somewhere other than in my hand. where she won't notice because it won't be in my hand

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Thats so sweet! :kiss: Bella tells a right tale to me, shes not talking words yet but she will keep chattering on for ages in her own words and keep laughing, she has me in stitches with her "stories" I have no idea what shes saying but she obviously does and i strongly suspect she has a vivid imagination when shes telling them! :laugh: :laugh:

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My eldest grey Charlie has the best laugh ever.

Its a proper belly laugh and he does this several times a day and has me in stitches!


Its great to hear them laugh.

Im not sure if he understands what hes doing, but he obviously likes it when we laugh and likes to join in.

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Great Vid Jan!

Alfie doesn't quite laugh at her own jokes yet, but she does put her chuckles in appropriate places, like if she does something she thinks we are going to laugh at ie, her swinging upside down from her perch. She is playing with her birdie talker at the minute and when it laughs, she laughs!

GOod post - keep the stories coming!

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Misty laughs when he is playing with toys and when he plays with me. He also laughs when he hears audience laughter on the radio or TV.

Hearing Misty laugh is the most wonderful thing. In a way it seems to be the most human like thing he does. He laughs with a "He he he" and sometimes "ho ho ho". It cheers me up no end if I am feeling down. He reminds me of when my kids were babies.


Steve n Misty

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Thanks for your comments on the video everyone. I'd love to see a video of Charlies horse laugh casper. When Tobie is saying something off the cuff - of his own design I notice it isn't as clear as a practiced thing and I often don't notice these little tidbits until I video it. Like when he said Tobie's going back in. Can't be sure thats what he ment to say, but it sure sounded like it. I'd love to see videos or hear stories about bird that surprised you with words or phrases. Maybe I should start another post.

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Another Great Video of Tobie!!


It is certainly a perfect example showing that Tobie KNOWS exactly what he is talking about and even when he is going somewhere. This is another that going in my favorites.


I think I have given enough videos of Dayo for a while. :-) But, he does laugh at things he thinks are funny in context.


One other thing he used for the first time in context that was new this last Sunday. Was we rolled both their cages out about 9 in the morning for sunning and showers. Around 12, it was 90. Dayo looked over and said " Dayo Hot, wanna go inside?" We almost fell over, then complied! He was not yet exhibiting the signs of being overheating i.e wings held out and beak a quarter open.


Now, I would really like to see all these other people here. To start cranking up those video cameras and letting us see their awesome Greys and other birds in action. :-)

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Charlie laughs, boy does he laugh.What gets me going is that he laughs at the right time.If a comedy is on tv, or I am sharing a joke with a friend he laughs out loud. It is a real propper laugh.


Dan If Charlie let me video him I would. He shuts up the second he sets eyes on a camera.If you watch the video of Blue you can hear Charlie as clear as anything, but that was because He did not see the camera.

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I loved your video too. I liked all the gestures Tobie makes while he is laughing, he is dramatic about his chuckles. Our bird laughs when she is being mock wicked, like when she tricks the dog into thinking the garage door opened right when it is time for my husband to come home from work. The dog runs to the door wagging and waiting... until she realizes no one is coming, just as she gives up, the bird chuckles, then whistles for the dog to come to her.

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Kea sort of has a laugh that she uses and has done it in context a few times.


The best was when we watched a scary movie and she was on my boyfriends shoulder. There was the scary part coming up and you can hear the music building and just as the person was going to get killed Kea let out this huge scream and my boyfriend lept with fright. It was so funny serves him right he is usually the one who tries to scare me when we watch those movies. She must have felt the tension building and knew that something big was about to happen.

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