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My Bird is Evil!!


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I find a new issue with this little monster everyday. She will not leave a dish unturned. She pulls them out throws all the food at me and the dog and clanks the bowl to the bottom of the cage. Oh she tries each morsal that is in it and then just decides she's done. I'm sitting here listening to the evilest little laugh I've ever heard!! How do I save her food? It's a new larger cage but the bowl holders are less than desirable.


How can I change this little tantrum of hers?

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I assume that your bowls are sitting in metal rings. Take the bowl out and squeeze the edge of the ring inward very slightly so that the bowl is harder to put in. That should solve the problem as far as pulling the bowl out. I've done that a number of times and it works.

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Thanks, I'll try the bendy thing. The crock bowls that I have don't have a rim on them. Her old cage had a shelf type holder with sides that prevented her from playing flying food super hero.


My poor german shepherd thought he won the flying food lottery, only to dicioer that he doesn't really appreciate broccoli and corn all that much.

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You could try lock down bowls I have to use them for my Tyco because she is like yours she has to just has to dump out bowls she will heven go as far as going to the other biirds cages and dump their bowls as well as hers. I guess she has decided its lots of fun to make a mess and hear the bowl bang around on the bottom of her cage Try googleing Lixit pet food bowls. those are what I use for Tyco they are great.

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I did find the lock down bowls today. Great little invention these are. I have to get something to hook them to the side of the cage now. The pieces that come on them are small and the place I want them is on the sides where the bars are horizontal. The bowls were made to fit best on the vertical bars. By tonight She'll be having a fit to throw food. She'll pick it out and throw it at Aussie, but at least it's not wasting the entire bowl of food.


Thanks again everyone!!



and Evil Rebel

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After purchasing my first cage and having the same problems, when it came time to purchase a cage for Sterling and Blue, I made sure the cage had the type of bowls that had little bumps on them and you put them in and turn them so the bowls cannot come out. I had the local shop owner order additional bowls of this type and the right diameter to put into Dixie's cage. It takes a bit to push them into the ring and then pop them back out, but no more food thrown around on the floor of the cage.


Dixie would take her bowls out, dump whatever food was left and clink it along the sides of the cage. It reminded me of the old movies where the inmates would take their tin cups and run them along the cell bars...lol. It was usually always right before I was coming with fresh food at breakfast and dinner.

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Something new in Evil's cage.


Rebel has one of those toys that is basically just paper in the form of a giant flower arrangement, it hangs in the corner and she shreds it to pieces.


That being said.....I was so proud that I finally got her to eat her broccoli! I ate it in front of her, gave it to the tiels while she watched so now Rebel likes her little green trees, she eats every single bit of them up now. Proud Mommy momment right??


NOT.....all of her broccoli, and I mean every piece I've given her for the past 3 days is in that damn paper toy flower thing, and not just flung on it, burried down in it.





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OMG I am rolling on the floor laughing at that one, Rebel is hiding the broccoli like a kid is trying to get rid of a vegetable he doesn't want to eat, hide it somewhere and she used that flower thing, how clever of her and so funny, thanks for sharing that tidbit with us. PMSL




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Send your puppies on over. At least you don't have to sweep up at every feeding time.


Now I know when I hear that evil little laugh that she is up to something and not just making noise. When I found the broccoli, she sat up in the corner of her cage and did that nasty little laugh. I'm seriously ready to get a video set up so I can watch her all day.


Do any of you have birds that lay on their backs?


There is always something new with this creature. I actually thought I had stepped on her or something. She was climbing up my jeans, so I lifted my leg to put her in her cage (cos she was really getting in the way) and she flopped on the floor and just layed there looking up at us. I was gonna panic until Missy pointed her finger and did the "bang" sound. Rebel "died" and then peeked up at us. Then she flapped and flipped back over and went about the room like she owned everything and everyone in it.


Is there no end to the antics of these birds?



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Normally she does the dead bird thing while hanging from your finger. You point your finger at her make the gun sound (not really bang, but I have no idea how to attempt to spell the sound we make)and she plops her head back and hangs it down backward. Then she peeks up at you and comes back to life. This was the first time I've ever seen her on the floor on her back. Where's a camera when you need one right?


She has been a joy so far. One adventure after another but I'm so glad she's a part of my family now.


I'm glad we found this group too. I would be pulling my hair out without some of the information that I've found on this site.


Thanks everyone



and Evil l'il Rebellious Grey

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