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Congratulations Admin Dan!


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The staff of Greyforums and I, wish Danmcq the warmest congratulations on his promotion to site administrator. Dan has been with Greyforums since it's inception. He always seems to find the time every day from his busy life to help support, and nurture our growing flock of grey parrot owners.


A big warm hug and thank you Dan, for your never ending contributions, and your dedication to our Greyforum family. :kiss:



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Congrats Dan on making admin of greyforums, you have given of your time and knowledge to help make this place what it is today and we are one big happy family and I am proud to call myself a part of it.


You have done an outstanding job here and I am right there by your side if you need my help, the same as I have done for Penny and Frank. I can think of no one else who deserves this more than you do, you da man.


I love you Dan



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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Another grate pick. We are witnessing the making of a very grate teme of mods and ministratorz. Itz a pretty grate feeling to now that i am a part of such a grate bird forum family. Way to go Dan. Looking forward to working with U in a un official way. B)

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Wow, what a shock!!! :ohmy:


This has totally taken me by shock. I must say it is a nice shock for once. Especially just getting home from work and finding this out.:-)


I truly appreciate all your kind comments.


I must say though, there are many here who contribute greatly and been have since the beginning of this forum. I am still just one of many that makes this forum the Greatest African Grey Forum on the Web.


The knowledge and diversity here has a breadth and depth that is greater than the sum and creates a synergy I Have not seen on a forum of any type to date.


Mix that in with great people from around the globe and you have a community like no other.


All, I can say is Thank You All!! :-)



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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

Another grate pick. We are witnessing the making of a very grate teme of mods and ministratorz. Itz a pretty grate feeling to now that i am a part of such a grate bird forum family. Way to go Dan. Looking forward to working with U in a un official way. B)


Hi again, it's me.. The "Unofficial Forum Policeman" Yeah, that means I get to do all the dirty work around here. It has come to my attention by many that you are in violation of Section 6, Subpart 9, Paragraph 12 of the GreyForum.net by-laws. It states that under no circumstances is a forum member to refer to himself/herself as a "Moderater" as you do in your signature line unless their 45 page report has been filed with the site staff and ownership. This is your first warning. The second warning will result in your user password being changed and the changes will be left for you to guess.. Good luck. And God Speed.


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