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How long for those feathers!?


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So Yoshi was born in April... clipped in July...


I really wanna see Yoshi flying! Yet I have no idea how long it will be before Yoshi grows new feathers, I'm waiting for that first molt right? Then after that I have no idea how long the feathers take to grow in enough, lol...


Sorry but Yoshi trys so hard, I really want her to be able to practice flying while she is still young since she barely had a chance before... one short flight and 'CLIP!' by the breeder :(


Any ideas on when this stuff will happen? Thanks!

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Just so that no one gets any false hopes---flight and tail feathers won't all grow in evenly after the next molt because they don't fall out at the same time. The reason for that is because they lose a couple of flight and tail feathers here and there all year long. That applies to clipped or unclipped birds. So when the next molt comes in, only the feathers that are involved in that particular molt are the ones that will come back all at the same time. Regular molting times of the year ( either one or two) have nothing to do with the loss of flight and tail feathers that fall out all year long in no particular time frame. It's not unusual to see a bird with a full set of old or new flight and tail feathers remain on the body when a yearly molt occurs.


That's why it's taking luvparrotts's bird so long to get a new set of flight feathers. Any clipped bird is gonna have to wait a long time before a new unclipped set of flight feathers appears because they come back unevenly.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/29 00:12

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Well, if you never clipped your bird, you should feel very good about it because neither side of the flight areas will look like they lost any feathers. There may be 5 on one side and 4 on the other but the only way you're gonna know that a dead flight or tail feather is gone is when you see them in the tray. Imagine a bird who molts and loses all their flight and tail feathers all at once. The bird wouldn't be able to fly anywhwere. What determines when a flight or tail feather falls out is how muchblood supply those feathers are getting. That's why people get upset when all the flight and tail feathers don't grow back evenly.Don't clip your bird and you'll never see the problem.


PS--and yes, that's why it takes a long time for all of them to grow back. It's only luck when a full set of unclipped feathers apperar on each side.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/29 00:32

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Thanks for that, Bellino has a very puny tail, one red feather on one side and 2 on the other, there is a few tiny ones in the middle that look like neither use nor ornament and a big gap, his long ones curve into each other at the bottom, hes 9 months old and his tail has always seemed puny compared to Bellas gorgeous one. his clutch mate is the same! Hes never been as good at flying as her either, should i be worried about this?

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At 9 mts, there's nothing to worry about. Who's the better flyer, I don't really know but at that age it's nothing to worry about. As far as the shape and number of feathers, they'll come back in shortly but unevenly. Your bird has a lot of feathers to lose and those are the ones that you should be aware of---all feathers that will soon molt out. Skin shouldn't be as dry as normal. Bathing or misting is the secret. And as far as luvy's bird goes, that's not unusual either. I can't even tell you how many times people have asked about when those flight and tail feathers will come back. She's just being patient and that's all a person can do.

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Dave as always is spot on.


My Grey had 4 flights moderating clipped on each wing before they would let us bring him home....much to our begging them not to.


It took 2 years for those flights to be completely replaced. Also, as Dave said, he still has a mixture of new and old feathers on his body. You can tell by the coloration and wear on them.

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Tyco used to barber her feathers on one side so when I got her I had her wings clipped evenly so they would grow back with out her barbering hopfully well it worked but it took a long time just over 2 years I beleive for her to get all her flight feathers its been almost 3 years now and shes just learning to fly a little bit now its taken her a full year of practice just to learn how to fly and land she will be seven years old at the end of February and I got her when she was 4 years old so if your bird wasn't permited to fledge you will have to wait even longer fist its flight feathers have to come in then it has to learn how to fly and the older it is the longer its going to take. Tyco can fly now but she is now where near the flyer my IRN or Adaya or Fergie is MY Indian ring neck and Adaya can fly circils around the other birds they have never been clipped and boy can they fly they are amazing to watch. Fergie my Amazon is a great flyer also but not as good as the babies are. my ring neck is was hatched in March of 2008 so he is 11 months older than Adaya because they are both babys they became good friends and you should see them fly they play catch me if you can or tag and boy do they do some areobatics its really quite amazing to watch. The joy of flying is so obvious they genuinely love flying and spend a good 2 hours everymorning playing tag it show in the bodys they are so healthy and strong just beautiful birds.

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Good luck! Tobie was two last june 15th. I believe he would have a full set of flight feathers by now, but he was upset with them for being so long, or they were uncomfortable just coming in one here one there. Dave described to me why he chewed them off and it made sence that it would be uncomfortable and then there were the ones he broke off in his clumbsy attempts to fly. He now has one pretty nice looking wing and one that is missing too many flights for him to fly. I'm not sitting on pins and needles anymore waiting for new feathers to grow in. It will happen when it happens. Like LUV said - You guys will hear about it - I'll be shouting from the roof of my house - Tobie can fly!!! Tobie can fly!!!!!

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I haven't figured it out yet. I thought Tobie had stopped chewing and some six months later he chewed the two flight feathers coming out at the very end of the wing. Some how he has grown an almost perfect wing on one side. Its almost worse, because now he spins when he trys to fly down. Lots of baths and misting seemed to help Tobie stop the habit when he first started and he was in a heavy molt. I used aloe vera juice that I bought from Walmart to spray his body and wing feathers too. Something stoped it.

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I look at it so differently now than I did when I bought Tobie. I still have anxiety over him flying away. I lost a cockateil that way once and still have dark moments when I think about that and it was 14 years ago. I used to be glad he was clipped because of that fear. Now I really want him to fly and think about all the other ways I can keep him from flying away other than clipping.

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Have you tried red palm oil? When the vet first cut AnnaBella's wings, they cut them too short and she began chewing. She was chewing because when she'd fold them in to her sides, they'd poke her causing irritation. I went to a new vet who gave her some red palm oil...that really helped soften things up and they started to grow once she stopped chewing. You give red palm oil orally...just a tiny bit on a favorite treat. Actually, I give it on the tip of a straw now because she won't eat the treat...she figured out my trick..ha. But, now she won't get dinner until she "bites" the straw and gets a little palm oil.

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Josey was 3 years old in May, she was clipped when she first fledged before she was fully weaned and never clipped again. She still has not grown a full set of flight feathers to regain flying ability, she has pretty much a full set on one side and the other she keeps chewing them off randomly as one gets out of place. I am getting a little impatient waiting but I know that is all I can do, maybe next year.:(

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