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Free Grey Puzzle Toy!


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Harvey's sooooo clever! Yesterday he found himself an already man made, constructed, fun new play toy! What is it you ask - well - it's the vertical blinds in my conservatory!


They run from ceiling to floor (the conservatory is all glass - no dwarf wall) and the game is that you get yourself up on the top of the rail and you "unhook" every other one as you go round.


Then, as your human slave nearly kills herself, topples over plants and chairs to get them back, you just unhook the next one along, out of her reach!


This is where I caught him!!!



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Don't mention Christmas! What about my Christmas Tree!! I love Christmas!! I have two Christmas Trees!!


I'm going to put one up this weekend (no decorations) to see what he does - I can just see what I'll be posting come December.......! :laugh:


Oh - you're in for a treat when Yoshi makes it up there!!!!! :woohoo:

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This photo tells it all with Harvey's delightful personality. "Oh no you're not coming up here to get me" The best part Jill? "They" say you become like those you are around the most. Harvey is near Jill the most, so is Jill becoming like Harvey, or is Harvey becoming like Jill? :P We don't care, we love you BOTH.

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