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Did reality measure up to your hopes?


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:P Until I joined parrot forums… I had no idea that it was possible to purchase a parrot that you had never met in person over the internet. Not sure if I'd ever go that route. I have seen parrots in person that I have found very attractive yet when I held them.. I realized we did not "click" and the attraction dissipated quickly.


I think I'd feel very nervous about purchasing a live creature through a "virtual medium" without ever having had the chance to touch or lay eyes on them



I'm curious to know about those of you who met your parrots for the first time when going to pick them up at the airport. I'd like to hear about all of you experiences.. Prior to purchase and how did you come to choose that particular parrot as opposed to their siblings.


Please share any success stories relating to this subject as well as any disappointments if any. I would like to know as much as possible.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/28 03:23

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I purchased my Quaker parrot Kiwi from a breeder without ever seeing her in person first. I just asked tons of questions and for tons of pictures :) Kiwi was still pretty young, I think 9 months, when I got her too...


Yoshi, my Grey, though, I had the chance to meet and socialize and even hand feed a couple times before I purchased here. If possible, I would definitely go that route and get to know your bird instead of just bringing it into a new home with people it doesn't even know. Especially for an older bird. You never know how you or the bird are going to take that first meeting, and I think its a better idea to have that first meeting before you have already purchased the bird :)


Of course, there are circumstances where you have no choice, such as no breeders in the local area, and I'm not saying you wont be perfectly happy with one you have never met :)

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I'm from an area where there are very few bird breeders anyways, and trying to find one that breeds African Greys is pretty impossible. I searched online for months (about 3-4 months) before I came across a breeder I felt I could trust. First, they gave me numerous people I could contact to verify that they were legitimate and raised healthy birds. Second, they raise the birds in their home and allow people to stop by ***without notification*** to either look and birds to see if they want to buy or play and interact with them- this has produced very socialized birds (from my own experience (1 CAG) as well as the people I contacted. Third, they keep in contact with their customers during the first month to make sure the transition goes well and if you have questions, they always have responded with advice. They even gave me their personal cell phone number, even before I received my grey and made the main payment. It has worked out wonderfully for me. Although, I didn't choose her (Charlotte), they asked me about my personality and what I wanted in my bird, and based on my personality and what I said I would like my bird's personality to be, they picked her out. I've had her for about 8 months now, and was having a behavioral issue with her (excessive beak rubbing that was causing damamge). This is the first issue I've had with Charlotte. I emailed the breeder asking for help, and she responded within 12 hours giving advice (which has been great advice) and told me if I had any more questions or issues to contact her (again giving me her cell phone number) and to let her know how her advice worked. Since the breeder lives in Georgia, and I live in Iowa, she did have to be flown here. I was *SO* nervous when the guy was bringing the cage towards me so I could sign the papers and get her. Even from where I live, the closest airport is about 1 1/2 hours away- so I was excited and wanted to take her out and get a better look at her, but kept her in the travel cage until we got home. The car ride home, she was quiet and so I used a very soft voice and talked to her the entire ride home. Once home, I opened it up, and she was very nervous and very timid for the first day (not even a full day), but even then she would come to me and step up onto my hand. We've been great friends ever since, and I am very thankful I did choose a breeder who is interested in the welfare of the birds even after they have been bought and have been in their new home for awhile as well as knowledgeable. I really couldn't have asked more from the breeder, and I think that is what has made my experience go very well- the breeder. I know I am lucky, but I think how much research I put into finding a good breeder is the main thing that helped.

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I decided to get my Ragga from a breeder, states away. The reason, or reasons; first because i know this breeder well and had many friends get birds from her. I know she is also well known for you Red Fronted Macaws, which is what i originally wanted, perhaps still will get one at a later time ;). I didn't have to worrie about knowing if Ragga would b e well socialized, healthy and loved. Another reason there are not many breeders right near me that i could find, other than bird stores that i knew i didn't want my parrot from. You ask how did it all turn out, well Ragga is such a sweet baby, i couldn't love him more. He likes everyone he meets (i know he's just a baby so that could very well change). I just happen to put a deposit on the Timnehs before any one else so i got first pick. She sent me pics every week, told me about each ones individual personalities, and told me which were her favs =)). I ended up choosing Ragga because one, he was a VERY good flyer, the breeder said he only crashed one time and on his second flight he was already going around corners and flying gracefully to her. He was also the only Boy out of both Timneh clutches, i sort of was wanting a boy more than a girl. Anyway looong story but this is why i choose my Ragga!

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We chose Harvey (about six times) - I don't think that we visited the same bird twice once!!


Who cares - we got a lovely little birdie (sometimes) who loves us (sometimes) and shows us lots of affection (sometimes) - who knows, if we'd met the same bird 10 times he mightn't have been the same!


I don't totally think it's important - it's the love you show them from day one when you bring them home that counts. :)

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I never met my grey until the day I purchased her. I spoke for two months with the breeder over the phone weekly. We always talked about the youngest of her clutch who I named "Sweet Pea" because the breeder said she was always a sweetheart and the one she would pick for me. Funny thing we talked about Digger and Peg Leg but never the oldest grey because quoting the breeder the older one "just don't stand out." I got first choice of the clutch and had my heart set on Sweet Pea. I held all of the greys from older to youngest and Sweet Pea bite me right off and wanted back in the cage. The older grey came to me and wanted to stay with me and the rest is history.

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My first instinct was to get a cockateil. Off to Petco I went. I was not impressed!!! One little guy, though, stood out, he was a 12 week old Quaker. I asked to take him out of the cage, and he layed upside down in my hand for literally 1/2 hour while I walked around the store. I was smitten, and he is now 4. I found Sydney (TAG) on craigslist. I had NEVER even been on craigslist!! He was 8 and being re-homed by a Vet student that had rehomed him from a negligent situation. We talked for about a month, then I went to pick him up (5 hours away) It was love at first site. The owner said I was the first person that he stepped up to that had visited. He has been my little lovie ever since. My experience BLEW AWAY my expectations!!!!

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I walked into the pet store (owned by breeder), saw Shanti, decided not to "shop around", and bought him five minutes later.


I've never regretted it. Not for an instant. Definitely love at first sight.


I will say I wish I had had the courage to rescue a Grey. People who don't go to breeders or pet shops and who are willing to rehab a bird have my total admiration. I try to make up for that by supporting rescues and organization like the World Parrot Trust.

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I wonder if it matters if you actually meet the bird first. I picked Tobie in a very clumbsy uninformed kind of a way. I knew very little about african greys and was choosing between Tobie and an amazon. Tobie wasn't all that relaxed with me as a 3.5 month old, but the amazon was worse- trying to fly away and wouldn't allow me to hold it quietly. The second time I visited Tobie he hated the red shirt I wore and attacked it. I thought we would be better togeather once I got him home and well the rest is magic. There certainly was no chemistry at the pet store.

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Janfromboone wrote:

I wonder if it matters if you actually meet the bird first. I picked Tobie in a very clumbsy uninformed kind of a way. I knew very little about african greys and was choosing between Tobie and an amazon. Tobie wasn't all that relaxed with me as a 3.5 month old, but the amazon was worse- trying to fly away and wouldn't allow me to hold it quietly. The second time I visited Tobie he hated the red shirt I wore and attacked it. I thought we would be better togeather once I got him home and well the rest is magic. There certainly was no chemistry at the pet store.


That's impressive that you still wanted to purchase a parrot who didn't appear to like you much.


What attracted you so much to Tobie? I don't think I would have been inclined to bring home a parrot who didn't seem comfortable with me. I am very intrigued.

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How could he know if he liked me or not. I just assumed that he was anxious about being handled by some one he didn't know and being away from his cage. Overall he just sat wide eyed staring at me. He was wonderful with the girls that work there and so I felt that he could get to know me. I couldn't have made a better choice. He lets me wear red shirts now.

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Whisper came from a pet store. My son knew I was thinking of getting a grey and told me he saw some there. I went in to check them out. They had 2 from the same clutch that had just finished weaning. Whisper was the smallest. When I held her she would gently put her beak on my finger but would not bite down. I chose her because of her gentleness. She is still a little sweetheart who has never bitten me hard.

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Janfromboone wrote:

How could he know if he liked me or not. I just assumed that he was anxious about being handled by some one he didn't know and being away from his cage. Overall he just sat wide eyed staring at me. He was wonderful with the girls that work there and so I felt that he could get to know me. I couldn't have made a better choice. He lets me wear red shirts now.


I'm so glad it worked out. Tobie seems awesome.{Feel-good-00020114}

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Char wrote:

Whisper came from a pet store. My son knew I was thinking of getting a grey and told me he saw some there. I went in to check them out. They had 2 from the same clutch that had just finished weaning. Whisper was the smallest. When I held her she would gently put her beak on my finger but would not bite down. I chose her because of her gentleness. She is still a little sweetheart who has never bitten me hard.


That's awesome.. I think I would have been so thrilled too.!{Feel-good-00020114}

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