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He HATES bathing what to do?


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Hey Grey-lovers,


Brutus has figured out that he hates bathing.


I used to take him into the shower and use a spray bottle on him, but now he will not have it. He flies off and will not cooperate.


Every once in awhile he will dunk his head in his water dish, so I know he must, on some level, want a bath.


I really don't want to force him to take a bath. I think mutual consent is the way to go.


Any ideas?


I put a tub of water in the play area of his cage and he is just trying to destroy the container the water comes in.


Let me know of any possible solutions.



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Chimay is also not a fan of bathing...I do take him in the shower with me but he just chills on the shower door and takes in the steam. Sometimes I'll take his aloe juice spray in there and mist him periodically. He does get the itch to play in his water dish right around once per week, and when I notice him starting to play that's when I grab the aloe juice and start spraying. When he's in that water-dish-play mode he's very receptive to the spray, fluffs up his feathers and really gets a good soaking. I don't try and move him to the bathroom or anything, just spray him right there by his dish.


Perhaps if you let Brutus stand on the shower rod/door while you shower without being sprayed he'll get curious...observing you under the water might help him to realize that water isn't evil?

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Lacey was the same way when I got her. She would throw a screaming fit if I tried to bathe her. So I decided to take a few steps back and try a new approach and now she LOVES her baths. I started out by putting her on her perch in the shower and I would just stand in there with her without the water running. We did this every day for about 3 weeks. Then I would shower but make sure that no water touched her, we did this for another 3 weeks. Then I would take the removable shower head and gently spray her feet (3 weeks), then slowly move the water onto her belly, back, head. The whole turnaround took approx 3 months. But she is like a different bird now when it comes to bathing, she especially loves the spray on her head. Anyway, good luck to you. It can be done, I think the real key is patience and persistence.

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Phoenix is in the same boat. I've come to accept that he'll scream a little bit (but won't bite) and I just have to hold him under the water until soaked, then towel dry.


he will let me towel him off, no problem, Talula on the other hand....


She seems to like the water. She'll prance around in it and lift her wings, but she seems to prefer it when I hold her egyptian style (holding the feet) and hold her closer to the fixed shower head and focus on her back (her little elbows of her wings are still exposed). She's less fond of bathing her front -- chest, face, etc... but she'll let me do it only after a good 5-10 min of warm steamy water rolling off her back. She does the eye trance thing while it happens.


I think the 3 weeks method might work best, especially since he's flighted. I have the advantage? of neither of mine being able to fly (one was fully plucked when I got her, the other has always been clipped due to agression with full flight). Good luck and keep us posted!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My grey is just not liking the bathing thing either. Dex is 5 months and I've tried the squit bottle, I've tried putting a bit of water in the tub, I've tried placing a container with water in it outside in the sun and also tried the shower, but he Squawks and Panics and flys as much as he's clipped wings allows. He sulks for a while then he is ok... But he really just wont take to bathing on his own. The closest he gets to water is drinking it!


I know how important it is for Dex to bath, but I'm scared I'm traumatizing him!


What can I do besides placing him in a cage and squiting him regardless???

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