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free flying


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hi guys. i read the other forums and links on there but they don't really help.


tigerlily wont take a harness and i would love 2 c her flying outdoors. but i'm scared 2 take that chance incase she doesn't come back through fright, big wind or just take off.

i've thought of where i would do it, its a large open quiet space and 2 start with i would just open her cage and ask her 2 fly 2 me from about a meter or so.


she's getting used 2 the outdoors with her adventure pack and loves it but i would love to see her flying and think she would like it too.


thoughts and opinions

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don't let her out without a harness!!! The harness takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and isn't an overnight success - indeed it can take months for a grey to accept one.


Please Please reconsider letting her fly freely - you may think she'll come back to you - but she won't.


Don't do it until you have her harnessed - you will be asking for trouble. :(

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Seriously - the harness can take time. I traumatised myself - never mind Harvey, before we mastered it - now he nearly puts it on himself as he knows he's going outside!


It really does give you the freedom to let your baby roam around outdoors with you. Persevere - it is really worth it in the end. :)

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Tigerlilly is too young for free flight right now.


To ever dream of free flight, you must get with a group of professionals that have been doing it successfully. YOu will first need to get your Grey to fly to you on command in your home, then in a larger space like a big warehouse etc. You would need to do this for upto or more than a year working with the pro's.


The initial free flights are always done in wide open flat land areas where there are no trees and you and your bird can always see each each no matter the distance. Once this is mastered and returns on command are consistent, then you can move to more semi-populated with tree areas.


People I have talked with who own free flighted birds recommend not doing so in busy and noisy areas until the bird is mature and reliable, meaning over 5 years old with tons of training and experience..


You can obtain your dream, it is just not quick to do.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/27 19:36

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i'll have 2 try the harness again if i want her to fly but i doubt we'll ever get there.

one thing i've noticed though. i've seen 2 greys on shoulders outside. one might have been clipped (didn't see that close) the other was chained. but both of them looked really nervous cause people just wanted 2 touch them all the time. as tigerlilies in her cage she knows no one can touch her so she seems a lot more relaxed she chats away whilst shes on my back.


here comes the harness training again:unsure:

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