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hi all from lisa


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i just want to say hi to everyone and introduce myself to your wonderful site..i have to congo greys a male 12weeks old and a girl 2 years..rocky and mango..you will see from my profile i have lots of pets lol.and adore them all..by greys ar my babies though and have there own special place in my heart..i had mango about 3 months ago.i took her on as she had problems and i cant help myself when an animal needs help..her previous owner couldnt give her time anymore as she use to as she started a new job, and the 4 months she had bein doing her new job mango had been plucking her self to bits..very sad.so i took her with this problem,rocky my new baby boy i have had for 2 weeks.as i had always wanted one from a baby for years.and i was adviced haveing a second grey could also help mango.touch wood it seems to be.i look forward to chatting to everyone and getting an advice as i do listen and try anything if it helps.hi to all again

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Hello Lisa and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Rocky and Mango.


Bless you for taking in Mango, she is a plucker but maybe with some time and the attention she needs she will stop doing that. It probably is because her former owner went back to work but she probably should be seen by an avian vet to rule out anything physical as the cause.


Having the second grey will at least provide some company for Mango for when you are not at home, even being in separate cages they can chat back and forth with each other.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We do love pictures here so if you have some of Rocky and Mango you would share with us we would appreciate it greatly.


I see in the Live Chat window that you are having problems with uploading pics, I have provided a link that may help you with that.



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thanx to both for the kind welcome ,mango has seen an avian vet already and every test she had was clear..he put it down to stress an a phycological.so its a habit now we have to break her of..she was bold when i had her and she is growing some fluff back but she still takes them out if you dont watch her..we keep her busy as much as possible with toys and games.and rocky is helping to,i will take a look at the link so i can sort a pic out for you to see.thanx again for your warm welcome and help.


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Ah, bless! Welcome to the Forum Lisa - you'll have a great time here - everyone is so helpful and friendly - and there's always somebody around when you need advice (it's a 24 hour forum as we're all from different parts of the world!!).


Lovely to see that Mango is getting the help she needs xx :)

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yer its sad to see her with no feather but with time she will hopefully look 100 percent.mango and rocky are getting on well.but we have to watch as someties mango wants to pluck rocky..she starts off preening him then her habit gets the better of her..naughty girl.i just love them both to bits.

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Jill is right, there is always someone on this site at all times, day or night so if you need anything all you have to do is ask but we never take the place of your avian vet who you would consult if you have a real problem.


It looks like those two Mango and Rocky are getting along pretty well together, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

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What a pair Mango and Rocky make. It's always good to see a loving person taking in a Grey in need of rescue.


Under your care I'm certain they will both grow to be all they were meant to be and get rid of any bad habits like the plucking.


Thanks for sharing the photos. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more from you. :-)

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