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And the Nominees for Best Supporting Act are......


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David, for totally accepting Alf in our Family, even tho it was me who really wanted her, and before we got our grey, David had a serious phobia of Birds!


I've heard a lot of snippets in differents posts on here about members "other halfs" and just thought it would be nice to sing their praises in their very own thread!


As I said, David had a real phobia of "flappy feathered things". When we first went to see Alfie at the breeders, and she was sitting there all wee and cuddly, the breeder got one of the Macaws out of the cage, and it just hung upside down off his hand, flapping it's head off. Well David stood back and the colour just drained from his face! I thought, that's it, no baby for me!

Obviously that wasn't the case, and as some of you know we had one or two trials and tribulations with Alf over the past few months. Alfie is very much leaning towards David as her favourite at the moment, and he's completely taking it in his stride. Sometimes he walks past with Alf on his shoulder, or hanging of his fingers and say " I can't believe I've got a parrot hanging off my fingers!" and he really can't, I think after being afraid of birds for so long (bad experience with chickens as a child) it's surreal to him now!.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know how brilliant I think he is for stepping in to handle Alf when she's not in the mood to come to me - I'd be stuck without him.

Would like to hear all your stories of happy helpers!


Hope you and yours are all well.


Lyn and Alf



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""""bad experience with chickens as a child""""


Excuse me for laughing Lyn but I couldn't help it, I grew up on a farm and we had thousands of chickens and the only scary moment I had was when one rooster decided to try to jump on me when I went into the henhouse to gather the eggs, we only kept hens because we wanted the eggs but somehow a rooster got mistaken for a hen, it was a little scary at the time but I soon got over it, no harm came to either of us, well no harm to me I think he was eventually eaten.


Now back to the story, my hubby doesn't help much with my birds, see that is the key here, "my birds" he talks to them sometimes and picks Josey up off the floor if she comes off her cage or playstand since she does not fly at this time but that is about the extent of it. He tolerates them being in the house, he does get kisses from them at times but otherwise they are mine to take care of.


I think that is wonderful that he participates more in doing for Alfie especially if Alf is not in the mood to let you handle him, I am really the only one who can handle Josey, she will allow my hubby to do so much and that is it.

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My husband Mike had never owned a bird before, and wasn't fond of them either... when I first convinced him to get Yoshi, he wasn't eager to touch any of the birds we visited. Yet when we visited those Timneh babies, he held Yoshi for a moment and seemed to take a liking to her. After a couple of visits, we knew she was the one we wanted.


Before we got Yoshi, the plan was that if Mike didn't want anything to do with her, I had to be okay with it, and I was fine with that... yet we have had Yoshi over a month now and Mike likes her just as much as I do :P Sure, he isn't crazy about her, doesn't search online or go gagaa over all the cute things she does (like I do, lol, I'm sure he thinks I'm nuts) but he talks to her and spends time with her every day too :) He even has her kissing him for long scratching sessions in his computer chair.


I am pleasantly surprised by how well Yoshi fits into our family :) She will have a place in our hearts forever <3

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This is a great thread Lyn. Well I have to say that without Steve there would have been no Beau for me as he bought the whole package for me - bird, cage, the lot. He wasn't keen to have a bird at all and now we have two, ok Argyle was kind of pushed on him but he has never complained and although it's me that feeds and cleans them he does actively participate and he is very definately now Beau's favourite :( If Steve were a member on here we would be getting karma :laugh:

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Let me see! I was quite happy to get another tiel when Spiky died - it was Michael and the kids who were desperate for a parrot (we didn't know whether to get an Amazon or a Grey)and obviously Harvey came along.


At first they were "all hands on deck" but once Harvey started liking me the best they all backed off! Michael is now resigned to the fact he can be chief poop cleaner and bottle washer alone - Harvey prefers it this way too!!


So Lyn, no Academy Award going to anybody in my house - because I'm the best!! :)

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Ok, been putting this off, because it's hard to give credit grudgingly. ;-)


I wanted an African Grey. My wife Kim was not very enthused. In fact, I went the first time by myself to the Breeders to view the two clutches of Grey's. Got tons of photos and Kim made sure I understood it was MY Bird, as she did not want the extra work.


Well, after spending a few hours there and taking atleast 20 photos. I shared it all with Kim and told her I was definitely getting a Grey and that I would like her to come the next weekend to visit with the Breeders and see the two Clutches.


Well, she went, fell in love with them and the rest is history. Dayo loves her, she loves him and I'm the second banana.


But, Greys personality are so LARGE, that I'll take 2nd banana any day and all the Joy they bring. :-)


Still jealous though that she is the MOST loved cuddle muffin. :P

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You know, I started a reply here yesterday with glowing reviews of my husband David. Then, he aggravated me. LOL. He has spent upwards of two decades declining any dependents beyond our two daughters. We had dogs and cats but he was adamant he wanted no part of it... except the happy kisses at the door and playtime. Then came Bella the Italian greyhound and she melted his heart. Then came Java the red-bellied parrot. He was the one this time to be smitten. I do the feeding, socializing and cleaning.

However, I have to give him mega-karma for taking a bite to the face and getting past that to not only give her forgiveness and to hold her again, but to willingly get Juno and agree to be involved forever, no matter what.

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Then David is indeed a keeper, not many people can take a bite to the face and get back in there and hold her again but he needs to pay more attention to her body language.


He has to forgive her for he was the one at fault for not paying attention for she was trying to tell him something but he is a good sport about it.

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Oh dear Dan - that sounds familiar! I wanted Alfie, now Alfie wants David! I do get her cuddles tho, so thankful for that!


Goodness Katana, David must be smitten to forgive a bite to the face, not many would!

I'm glad he stopped aggravating you long enough for you to post this!!


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That is exactly right Judy, I was away for the first time and he had her on his shoulder and reached in her cage to change her food and water. It was a sudden move in her territory without trust nor "permission" that set her off, and she has never bitten him again.


Lyn, he didn't stop aggravating me, I just forgave him for it. LOL

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Wonderful post. My husband rarely wants to handle Tobie. However one day I went into the livingroom and there he was with Tobie on his shoulder. He occasionally will bring him to the T-stand in the dining room for dinner. He just adores Tobie from afar though. Tobie picks up words much more quickly from Frank than he does from me. Tobie sounds just like Frank. We both laugh alot more now than ever before. That bird has just added so much to our home.

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I'd like to nominate my dog Jinx actually! She is always coming over to try and play with Cleo, doing that doggy play bow. Cleo is often keen too, trying to grab the dog's nose with her foot, or trying to nip it. Jinx is also very good at offering her toys to the bird so she can play with ( I don't let it happen though, doggy spit!). It is also wonderfully funny to see how they wind each other up when Cleo is in her cage and Jinx is watching her.

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