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biting again


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hi all well after 3 good weeks of little biting buster has started to be a little nasty again and stuben but i think he as been molting over the past week as he as been sat puffed up most of the time but he is still talking and playing away do you think he will come back round ;)

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That good. You've only had Buster for a month. He is about 20 months old and that means he is exercising independence.


Since he was not hand friendly or interacted with much in his previously home. You will need to be very patient and teach him how to interact with you and you will need to learn that as well in reading his body language and eye's carefully to avoid a conflict of interests that will result in you getting bitten. As you ignore something his body language is telling you, he will make the body language stronger and the bites harder because he thinks your just not getting it. :-)


Your Grey is not a friendly hand tamed bird used to interacting with humans, like you are reading about in our posts here on this forum. You have a longer and bigger task to reach that point.


Just be patient, understanding and most importantly study your Greys body language and eyes carefully and learn when to stop moving your hand forward because you see a bite is going to happen. Thus avoid it.


He actually sounds like he is a GreYt bird, likes the human interaction, even scratches!! So thats an excellent baseline to start working from.


If you were free from a Cell, would you resist going back in? Of course you would and thus so is Buster.


Just wait until it's bedtime (If possible) and he is nice and calm and sleepy. Then he will be much more cooperative in returning to the Cage. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/27 16:54

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HI there,


I have a 17 year old male grey who is a rescue. He's been in the extended family some 10 to 11 years now, and this time of year (Sept into Oct) he starts to get moody.


I think it's part molting, part sexual arousal due to the mating season (I can't confirm either). Bird folk at work say their males get more aggitated and bite prone towards the winter too.


Irene M. Pepperberg, the lady who founded The Alex Foundation and worked to study the intelligence of Grey Parrots write in her memoir of the late Alex that during his fits of sexual-based aggression she used tofu to calm him down a notch.


I decided to give this a go. Tofu isn't fungal, it's bean curd -- almost always soy. I got mine for $1.30 at whole foods, and a package lasts a few weeks.


I cut it into strips and then halved the strips to cubes and fried them in red palm oil and cayanne pepper.


He loves the tofu, first thing he eats in the bowl -- passing up an almond for it. I have to admit I was surpised by this. Now we're just a few weeks into this but I'd say his behavior has changed to be very tolerable. He hasn't drawn any blood yet, tho the cold is just now starting (rather the chill in the air, it's still nice most days, no jacket needed yet). He was so well behaved I took him out to a large festival last weekend, and it was drizzling. Usually if there is a cloud in the sky he won't come out of his cage and certainly won't step up, but not this past weekend! He was very very well behaved.


Could be anecdotal, but it's worth a try. It won't hurt his diet, and it might just be beneficial!

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A little update buster is still really not right he is eating drinking pooping fine talking playing but he as just turned really nasty and will fling his self across the cage to get away from me when last week he was all over me plus becoming very hard to get back in his cage trying to sleep on the top would let him do this but do not feel safe doing as we cover his cage to eny more help please :unsure:


plus i have been watching he will talk and mess about for like a hour then just sit with his neck feathers puffed out for like a hour then start again and when he knows it bed time will do the same just sit with his neck feathers puffed out :(


plus is there eny way i can get buster onto the floor as when he is on the floor he is the nice as pie have got him a ladder but he will not use it the only way is when he as tryed to fly of and crash landed<br><br>Post edited by: hill, at: 2009/09/29 12:09

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