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Gracie Update


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Gracie is now 5 months and 10 days old. She weighed 310 grams this morning. She is eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables along with her pellets and a few seeds. She is still taking a night hand feeding of 20-30 cc. After that she loves to snuggle on my chest for a while then to bed.

She is starting to forage in her cage. I have a couple of foraging toys for her. She loves to shread paper.

She has gone on several outings with me in her bird packpack (adventure pack)and really seems to enjoy it.

She has learned to step up, step down, and turn around on command. We are now working on putting bird coins in a box. She seems to prefer the red ones. With a little encouragement, she will lie on her back while on my lap for a short time.

She will let me touch her all over her cute little self even under her wings.

Today she was making the CUTEST baby sounds. She would make a sound I would say something to her and she would seem to try and answer. Just sounds, like baby babble.

She is doing well in the shower. She gets totally soaked and seems to take it in stride just as my other fids do.

My Sun conure is doing better. I moved him away from the others (CAG, YNA, and Tiel) but still in the midst of all the house action. He is near the fish tank and loves it when I feed the fish. He is much more calm and more like himself now that I have moved him.

She also loves to sit outside as you can see in the picture.

Have a greyt day



PS...Just a fun note. I work in a medical office. A patient came in with a service Monkey. It was a Capuchun monkey. I got to hold it. It was like holding a real baby. It was AWSOME!



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