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B&G Macaw getting wings clipped


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I've decided not to get anything further done to his wings and leave it at that, he'll just have to be watched when he's out on his playstand and when I'm not here, be kept in his cage (Unless my sister gets over her fear of handling him) Obviously his flight has to be somehow limited now, so I suspect he won't be doing too much flying. I'll have to invest in a harness now and try to get him used to it.


(Admittedly I felt bad coming home from the vets the other day thinking he couldn't fly anymore)


Perhaps I've done a terrible thing in having his wings clipped (even though it hasn't grounded him completely.



Tom :(<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2009/10/03 21:33

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I think we all feel guilty when we clip the birds wings even when there is a good reason for it. When I clipped Fergies wing I felt so guilty and she knew it and play it right to the bitter end she would sulk and then show me her wings as if to say look mom my wings don't work any more. she was so sad. which made me feel all the worse. when I clipped her she was molting and already loseing some of her flight feathers so its only been 2 months and she can already fly again but boy did she make me feel like the meanest mom in the world.. She was very hormonal at the time and she made a huge hole behind my kitchen cupboards the wires to the breaker box are behind that wall and I was afraid she would electrocute herself and I tryed to keep her off there for 3 months finally I said enough is enough and gave her a very minor wing clio

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I have loads taken and on my phone but haven't got the cable to transfer them to the PC! I'll have to buy one this week. I've also managed to get my CAG Jake start coming out of his cage again. He's refused to come out of it the past few months no matter how hard I tried but today was the day. Unfortunately he's still lunging at my arm etc..but..One day at a time! :)

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