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B&G Macaw getting wings clipped


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Hi guys, I've had my 8 month old B&G macaw for nearly 3 months now and he's settled in great and we couldn't be happier with him. Unfortunately his cage is in my room and this is the only place I've been able to let him out. He's started to fly and bump into walls/windows/stop midflight and fall down behind things lately and we've come to the decision to have his wings clipped, he's also getting slightly cage aggressive now when he's out and refuses to step up even if he's been out of his cage for hours.


So what I want to do is take him away from his cage to a neutral area where he can be out pretty much all day in the living room where there's someone ALWAYS around. This will eliminate his squawking when he's left alone upstairs too, as theres always someone in the living room or at least going in and out. I've booked him in for a full health check next wednesday, all the necessary tests, nails trimmed and wings clipped, and on the way back I'm buying him a big playstand from the breeder I originally bought him off. I just posted to see everyone elses opinion on wing clipping, and any suggestions for after he's clipped!






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Tom you will always find wing clipping a contraversial subject,everyone has there own very strong reasons for and against.What I say is its your decision.Just make sure you have it done by an avian vet and read up on the subject first so you make the decision with open eyes. Moving your bird to a room where he is more involved with things and getting a stand is a very good idea,it will make his life a lot more interesting and encourage interaction.

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Thanks for the reply she, you've pretty much summed up why I'm moving him to another room. Another reason for getting him clipped is that I've had him in the living room, playing with him on the floor etc but he takes off randomly, and nearly knocks down photos/crystal off shelves. I'm hoping having his wings clipped will get him more used to the enviroment in the living room and the house in general regarding noise etc.


He's getting very attatched to my sister too, way more than me but unfortunately she refuses to handle him because he tries to go up on her shoulder (He gets onto my shoulder and onto my back and refuses to get down sometimes, and has even started biting at the back of my head/glasses. I'm hoping with him relying on me more for interaction that he me warm up to me a little bit more.


I don't think this wing clipping thing will be a regular thing however, as I agree with many of the reasons people are against it. Though at the moment it's safer for him as he won't be injuring himself off windows/walls and I won't be made get rid of him for breaking expensive ornaments :laugh:



The vet I'm bringing him to is one of the only exotic animal and avian specialists in Ireland, she was even on Animal Planet's 'Animal Hospital' on TV. Everyone I've encountered so far has reccomended her and I indeed had dealings with her myself with my cockatiel that had bone cancer, I even got a card in the post from her apologising that there was nothing she could have done and with her deepest sympathies which I think says something about her.






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Everyone has to make their own decision as to whether they clip their birds wings or not, I don't clip my birds anymore but if you feel you should do so then by all means do it. You are the one who has to live with your bird, you know your home, your situation and if you decide to clip his wings then do it. I nor anyone else here should try to make you do something that you feel is right for you.


Clipping is sometimes necessary so you do what you feel is right for you.

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Is the vet Berbra Omally,sorry if I spelt it wrong.If so she is good and will clip ok.I had Cracker clipped last autumn when I was keeping him inside and not going to the aviary of a day,I used that time to do some basic training and getting him to settle a bit and now its autumn again He will not need clipping,he could still fly very well after last years clip,it just slowed him down a bit,he can fly as good as ever now .I have quite a few Doulton, worcester and Coalport figures but I keep them in a display case behind glass just incase of accidents.I hope it works out for you.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/27 19:09

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I have my bird clipped for partial flight. This gives him a way to escape something if he needs to. However, when we are outside in the garage working and he is on his playpen, he can't get very far from home and this gives me time to go get him before something else does.


At first I was against clipping, but then Tango flew one day off his playpen throught the yard and out into the street, so for this reason he get s partial flight. Good luck in your decision as it is indeed a very tought one to make.

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Thanks for your post Dave, your input is appreciated! I do feel bad when I see birds like that outside and indeed I intend to get a harness for him eventually, but the problem is him flying inside and injuring himself, there's simply no room for him to fly in here without bumping into something and injuring himself, as well as that my family is extremely nervous of him when he flies and go running for cover when he does so. It seems like the best thing to do at the moment, and I fully intended to get him a harness once he was more used to being handled by me and trained to stay and play on his stand.

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The decision you have made is one of both mind and heart, It can only be the right one because you made it taking all into consideration. As you can see, these good people stand behind your decision. Right or wrong, it's the one you feel is right. The choice you made is to help another not yourself.

In all my myriad years of working with birds and others of God creatures,I've seen good decisions and bad, but those chosen out of love and concern seem to always be right.

Right now I have two CAG's, one with clipped wings one without, There both doing great. I feel it's how you treat the outcome that makes the difference. You may laugh, but we pray for our fid's and those fid's and caretakers on the post in need. Your decision is yours...In these circumstances, Id make the same decision.


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Out of interest what sort of playstand would be best for a macaw? As I said in a previous post I'm dropping into the breeder I bought my macaw off on the way back from the veterinary clinic. I think his ones are mostly big metal ones with one or two wooden perches, however I was looking on ebay and saw a large one made of pine complete with large cargo net. However, this guy as most parrots are..is a notorius chewer and will even chew the only perch he has from underneath himself :P


Will he absolutely destroy a pine playstand, or could he be distracted from it if there's plenty of toys/interaction? Or should I just buy one mostly made of metal?






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I do not have a big macaw but I would imagine you would be better off to stay with a metal playstand than one made out of pine as that is a soft wood and he could literally chew his perch from beneath him. You certainly need something very sturdy and heavy like so he doesn't tip it over on himself.

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Just got back from seeing the Vet, he was fine getting his wings done. He obviously didn't take too kindly to being wrapped in a towel and did let a few squawks which was expected but he's fine now, she did a health check as well and said he was in good health and just gave me some info on diet etc, his wings aren't totally clipped and he'll be able to glide to the floor/slow himself down is he falls. Overall it went very good and he's back to his normal self now playing with his toys!

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I'm glad thing went well at the Vets today and that Meiko is back to her old self again so quickly. I think if Meiko is anything like Darius a pine playgym would look like a big new toy he would get very excited and then proceed in turning it into toothpicks. He would have to whole thing demolithed within the first Week LOL I think that a large metel playstand would be the best for Darius or Meiko at least it will last a bit longer.

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You're right, it would be reduced to dust :lol: I'm in contact with someone about a second hand playstand they have, just waiting on the price of postage! Unfortunately the man I bought Meiko off had none in stock as he sold the last one a couple of days before. Thanks all for your posts, I hope soon to have some more pics up etc!

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Well, Meiko just flew right across the living room and landed on my arm from a make-shit perch I put together, clearly the wing clipping hasn't had the desired effect! She did say he may possibly still be able to fly and I might need to bring him back, but I'm not sure what to do.

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