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Adding a Blue and Gold macaw to my family


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Hi everyone. I have learned so much on this site before bringing the love of my life Tango a cag home, and well now I am in need of more of you fine peoples directions.


Here goes. I just bought a blue and gold macaw yesterday and will be bringing it home next week. Up until now Tango has been the center of my world, but I feel I have more love for yet another bird. Tango is going to be 16 months old tomorrow, and the macaw (who I haven't named yet) is a year old. They will both have their own cages and their own play pen perches, toys etc, but I imagine the time spent with me watching TV and kicking back will have to be shared as I don't want to play favorites.


So here are my questions: Is it possible for this to happen, should I not do this, how do I know if the macaw is going to hurt Tango, and most of all will Tango take this as an act of betrayal me bringing another bird into the home?


Thank you so much for you great expert answers on these question in advance.

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Congrats on the new addition of your new B&G. I love those parrots. First off, you need to quarantine the new parrot in order to make sure you keep your existing parrot and the newcomer healthy and safe.


The time frame is usually 30 days. Ideally the new comer should be in a separate room. Both parrots will be able to hear each other and holler to one another but not see each other in close proximity. There are other threads on this forum that go in to more detail about the IMPORTANCE of quarantine.. so please do the necessary reading.


After the quarantine is up.. I would strongly recommend that you always supervise when they are outside of their cages. There is no telling how they will react to each other. You might have no choice but to have separate one on one time with each of them but you won't know until the time comes. Goodluck.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/26 18:23

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It is very possible as many of our members have more than one bird including me but my other bird is a sun conure which is much smaller than a macaw.


You will have to keep the two birds far enough apart that neither one could harm the other until you are sure they can be trusted to be in the same space such as on the same playstand.


There might be a little jealousy issue when you bring the other bird into the house but if you handle it correctly then there shouldn't be any major problems, just make sure they both get personal time with you.


Pat, aka tycosmom will be able to give you some insight into this situation, she has many birds and has just brought a macaw into her home.


Congrats on getting another bird, a blue and gold is a very pretty macaw and is a favorite among the ones who love the larger parrots.

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Thank you two so much for this advice. I was going to put them both in the same room, but now will put the B & G in the living room instead.


I remember when I first brought Tango home I was so scared that I wouldn't be a good parront, and you guys/gals have helped me out. It is strange how all of a sudden (after making the purchase) those same feelings of doubt came back to me. Someone yesterday (another bird owner) told me that since you are worried about it shows her that I will do fine, of course I am always a bit unsure of myself in new situations.


Thanks again for this forum and all the great advice in it. You all rock.

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Good luck with your Macaw. they are beautiful.Please quarantine your new bird untill you are sure all is ok and then treat any introductions with caution. It may go well but you never know.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/27 08:25

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Thank you SchroedersJen I do look forward to bringing it home on Monday. I decided, or should I say it decided it's name will be Tiko. I am guessing with it telling me that is its name it is probably a male, but I will be getting the dna results probably in about two weeks. Really I am not crazy the bird named itself.

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Pictures are a definate. I am thinking on going to get Tiko today instead of waiting until tomorrow. We have just cleared the way for Tiko's playpen and of course now I want him or her here now. I wonder if I am getting addicted to these fine creatures. I am hoping that Tango is young enough to deal with a new bird.


Oh yeah Tango is exactly 16 months old today. Wow how time has flown (no pun intended):) since he entered my life.

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I'm sorry I couldn't post yesterday I was so busy I barley had a moment to myself. First off before you even come home with your new Macaw I would sujest you take him to the vety for a check that way Quarentine time can be as short as possible as soon as test results are in and he is deemed healthy you can start introducing your new flock. Also a mscaw is a very destructive and messy bird the stop after the vet should be the lumber yard to pick up some untreated pine or spruce have them cut it into handleable peices like 2ft lengths then you will have to cut it into cookies about 1inchx3inch they need tons of wood to chew I bought mind a huge toy I thought would last at least a week it was compleatly destroyed in 6 hours turned into toothpicks. So I just buy a few big toys for him over the month and the rest of the time he get his wood cookies in a wicker basket and a few other foot toys made of acrylic so he can't wreak them one of his favorite toys are large squeeky toys for dogs.

Always make sure when your playing with your bird or feeding or anything that you play with Tango 1st that way he will know that he is still #1 bird and you love him first and always will this will cut down on the jealousy its called keeping the pecking order.

I don't know how you feel about wing clipping but I have always found that if I clip a new bird it gives them time to fit into the flock rather then flying where its not supposed to and someone getting hurt. I find it helps if they can sit and watch and see how my flock works all my birds are fully flighted but always when I get a new bird I give them a minor clip so they can settle in and get to know the rest of the birds all my birds get along fairly well at least none will hurt another bird if they happen to stop by and visit They are a flock.

Please read about how to quarentine properly the bird should be kept in a room with the door shut when you go into that room you must treat that bird like it has a contagious disese so like in a hospital you would put on a gown and mask. and make sure you scrub your hands and arms. and before you leave that room you leave the gown you where wearing behind and scrub again before you touch your other bird. this is important for the first 45 days or until your Avian vet deems him healthy. Bird diseses can be carried on your cloths and body when I have a bird in quarentine I take all my cloths off put on the housecoat I wear for the quarentined bird leave my cloths outside the room when I'm done with the new bird I take off my house coat and have a shower and then get dressed again. sometime I shower 3or4 times a day when I have a bird in quaretine but I've never had a sick bird (Touch wood).

Have fun with your new Macaw they are wonderful companions loud but sweet as sweet could be mine just loves to lay on his back in my arms like a baby. and if you have never had a bird hug you your in for a treat my Macaw opens his wings and wraps them around me. its the sweetest thing Ive ever seen in my life. mind you hes a very large Macaw he's 41 inches long So you can just imagine the wingspan he has. Have fun your going to fall so in love it won't matter about the huge mess he makes he's going to be worth it.

It take a good hour a day for me to clean Darius's cage and surrounding area everyday because of the amount of wood he chews but the love he gives in return is just so awesome and so different from any of my other birds. Adaya is the only other bird I have that comes close and I raised her from 5 weeks old so she's a real mommy's girl.



HPIM5415.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/27 20:28

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Thank you Tyco your post is very informative and constuctive. I brought Tiko home today. Jeff my bird breeder told me that this bird is totally healthy, and since he has been in business here for over 20 years I believe him. I do hope I don't live to regret it. He is where I bought Tango from. Exotic Birds Unlimited.


So far the day is going ok. I will keep you posted as to how the new living arrangements are turning out. I have noticed that since bringing Tiko home Tango wants to be sitting on my shoulder more, so I am letting him.


It was funny first thing I put Tiko in his or her cage and Tango started asking if he wanted some seeds. It was really funny. I am already in big love with Tiko. However between me, you and GOD Tango is my 1st and always will be my first love. Well it is getting way to hot out here in the garage so I will keep tuned in and tell you how it goes.


Thanks for taking the time to respond sp thougouhly.



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Great looking B&G! A few things I know about B&G's. First, they are senstive to the dust that cockatoos and grey's give off, that is why a seperate room is often recommended. I do keep my B&G and TAG together, they both take baths very often and have a very good air filter in the room. That is a personal choice. B&G's have one of the most laid back personalities of any macaw. They are very awesome birds. If I ever got another one, I would name it Blueberry! We spend a lot of time calling our b&g, Blue Bird, Big Blue, and things like that. I dunno, maybe we are weird with out nicknames. :-) We recently added a white bellied caique to our flock. One thing I have done with Finnigan to try to keep jealousy issues at bay, is if I see her "eyeballing" Jeckyl (WBC), I make a point to spend one on one time with her that day. we may just spend 20 minutes on the bed playing or put the others to bed early and keep her up for a little while longer, with no other birds, all my attention is focused on her. This seems to be what she needs and she stops giving the new bird the "evil eye". As far as wing clipping, I think some very good points have been brought up, but to show the other side of the coin, the new addition to our flock can not fly (she has the wings but not the know how) and the others expect her to move her bum when they come to where she is. Because she can not fly yet, she stands her ground and feels it necessary to defend it because she can't get away. Between the fear of an unknown place and unknown birds, and not being able to flee, it has made her more aggresive, in my opinion. I see the points of clipping a new bird, but then I also see the points of not clipping a new bird. Again, it's a personal choice that you will have to make knowing your flock/family and what would benefit your household and birds the best. At any rate, there is my two cents...congratulations...I do love b&g's. They rock!

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I have bad news to report to everyone. Tiko was throwing up and I had to take him or her back to the store. They told me they would do everything in their power to take care of the situation, however that does not leave me feeling very good. Now I know why everyone says QUARANTINE.


Tango isn't showing any signs of being sick yet I am watching him like a hawk watches their prey.


I am hoping that Jeff (he is the guy who owns exotic birds unlimited) will take Tiko to the vet today. I calle dthe vet yesterday and they said to watch Tiko for a few days, but with Tango in the house I didn't take any risks since he is my first love. The vet also said they could see Tiko but stressed the importance that I have a right to purchase a healthy bird.


Jeff quickly offered me the kin to Tiko, but you know I just don't like that bird. It looks at me from inside its cage like it hates me and has even bitten me to proove the hate.


I will be going to the store today to see how Tiko is doing and might even offer to take him or her to the vet myself if Jeff hasn't done so yet.


This is my update and hopefully it will change with a happy ending soon. I guess what this rambling post is really all about is listen listen listen when other members tell you to quarantine your new bird before introduing it to the flock.

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I am so sorry to hear this Satchel, yes quarantine is very important especially when the bird comes from a place where there are other birds around. I hope Tiko does not have anything contagious but hopefully the vet visit goes well and it is something that can be treated.


Please keep us informed as to what happens and I pray that Tiko is going to be ok.

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