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Problem with blood in cag's stool


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Just wondering if anyone has had any problem with their CAG having blood in their stool . Ive taken Oscar to two different vets. Now he is seeing an avian specialist. He was put on medication for a bacteria and a yeast infection and then the blood stopped. Then shortly after (about 2 weeks later) starting again. So now he is on the medication again....This is why they tell you never to buy an unweaned bird... anyone's thoughts or similar situation?



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I have no idea what it can be. Roxy fell a few months back and she had some blood on her beak, but the vet said that as long as the blood is not flowing, it will heal by itself, and it did.


They have very strong bodies as far as I know, so I don't think that it could be fatal, just make sure your bird eats enough and eats the right stuff with enough water. Water will cleanse the bird's system.


I hope that someone else has more knowledge about this.;)

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Hi Hawaiisheila,


It sounds like your Vet is taking good care of your CAG.


Did he say what may be causing this infection such as sterilization of feeding utensils etc.?


Others here that raise babies will be able to give you a lot of information on this.

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They do not know what caused the infection...but when he was just 4 weeks to about 7 weeks he was around lots of other birds. But I dont think that is the problem because now he is at home and not exposed to any other birds and his cage is very well kept, he gets outside time when I come home. I have spent $80 at the first vet who did not know really what was wrong and gave him medication that did not do anything.


The avian specialist advised me to put him back on his antibiotics and possibly do a blood test....

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