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Aren't Dogs Supposed to bite the Postie?


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Not round here they don't!


This morning it was quite nice (unusual UK weather) so Harvey harnessed up and into the garden we went with my coffee and his palm nut!


We'd finished our breakfast and trotted round to the front to water a plant that doesn't catch the rain. Just as we came round the corner, along came our post man (who had never seen Harvey before). He's a lovely bloke and was obviously taken by Harvey (well, it certainly wasn't me - you want to see the state of me this morning!!)


He decided to give Harvey a tickle (for which Harvey obliged for about mmm, 2 seconds) and then obviously bit him! It wasn't hard, and I had warned him!


The postie laughed and was going back to the depot to relay his story about how he'd been "bitten" by a parrot! He said he would get the top points of the week - they keep a score chart for funny happenings on their rounds!


So - I'm glad to say I now keep the posties around here amused ;)

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