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Well I just had a real scare with Nikki. Had her on the deck in her outdoor cage. I had 3 plastic rings hanging from the top of the cage which I did not realize till now were the perfect size for her to get her little timneh head into. I heard this horrible squawking & she was upside down with her feet hanging onto the top bars but her head was thru the ring encircling her neck. When she let go with her feet she was hanging herself & frantic, trying to fly away. She let me cup her back to hold her still but when my husband approached with wire cutters she freaked. Somehow he cut her loose from the top of the cage but she was still wearing the necklace. After she calmed down we covered her head with a towel & she allowed us to snip the plastic ring off. One eye looks bloodshot I hope she is going to recover ok. I put her to bed early so she could rest. I feel so bad for having those rings hanging in there. They belonged to my green cheek who has a much smaller head, I just didn't think….

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What a scare that must have been for you and Nikki, I hope she is going to be ok but it was a good thing you were home when it happened.


Yes we have to be vigilant about things that they could get their head caught in and by providing a pic of the ring it might prevent it from happening to another bird.

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How scary!! Poor Nikki and poor you. Don't beat yourself up about it though, I'm sure we all have potential accidents waiting to happen in our fid's cages. We can only be vigillant and thanks to people like you, learn from others' mistakes.


Please keep us informed of her progress, sounds like she had a very lucky escape bless her.

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I hope this helps another person prevent this from happening to their bird. She seems ok this morning after a long rest but the area around her eyes still looks a bit blood shot, I think she may have injured some blood vessels or something. She has been very quiet all day, I'm sure she is hurting a little. She's eating, pruning & picking up her toys so I think she will be fine.

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OMG this was really cary and Im glad you were ther at there at the right time and did the right thing


Greys always manage to put themseles in various kids of trouble and this forun helps us avoid many. Thanks for sharing and hope Nikki is better now and recovered both physically and emotionally from that trauma


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The good news is: you were around, alert, and caught this before it became a tragedy.


Don't beat yourself up, and thank you for sharing. This is a reminder to check the toys in the cage and ensure they can't harm your grey.


Give Nikki a few extra treats for being so good during the ordeal. The hubby too :)

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