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Scared of toys


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As to try and keep Chloe quiet last night, I made a toy for her out of items that she generally gets off of her cage to chew up ... paper, toilet paper roll, empty (rinsed out) small soda bottle. I thought that she would go right after it and chew it up, but she acted scared of it. I laid it by her cage for her to get used to it. Does anyone else come across this with their bird? Do you think that she will always be scared of new toys? How can I help her?


Thanks! Amy

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New toys have to be introduced slowly as any new thing is viewed as a predator out to get them. Just lay the toy close enough that she is comfortable with and then later move it closer until she accepts it which may take a few days or longer. I find that when they are younger, say a few months they more easily accept new toys but as they get older they get more cautious so take your time in introducing new toys to her.

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Put the toy in her cage this afternoon. She acted scared of it at first, but didn't skwack or try to fly out of her cage. She just backed up. We left for lunch and when we returned she had chewed up one of the toilet paper rolls and some of the paper. Yay! She has been better today, but then again I kept her up WAY past her bedtime last night too!

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Size is a definite factor Lyn, I find that Josey is more accepting of a smaller toy versus a large one but there are exceptions, there is this little round circle of some viney thing, a foot toy that Josey is afraid of still, something about it shouts evil or something.:blink:

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