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Rishi is very sick


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Hi, Hope Rishi is doing better now. Just I had a question, when u did the blod tests at Nad al hiba, did they do any PBFD test, because when i took kooki there, they did initial blood test (hematology) to see the white blod sells count and other stuff, and when they noted that white blood sells cout was low, they sent a sample of blood to south Africa to be tested for PBFD. It is costly but it is sure. Normally this takes around two weeks. I guess its better to check with Dr Julio if he can do that, so u can know for sure what you are facing.


If Rishi is more than a year old, he has a good chance of facing PBFD, but his life would always be at risk and you haveto be extra careful with his diet and habits. Normally PBFD is kills his imunity system, so you have to follow strict Hygien standards especially in his food (forexample you have to bake the food to reduce bacteria, wash his cage, perch, & toys very frequently in antibacterial solution, boil his drinking water, wash his food and water bowls with boiling wate...)

Hope it is not PBFD so you dont have to go through this

Wish you all the best and do not hesitate if you need pellets



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dear ramsabi,


I need your help please,

I live in Jeddah, Saudi. and I have a similar problem, my grey is very sick and he won't eat or drink but no vomiting

it started sometime this past Friday, I took him to the vet but again like your case we don’t have experts vets here so we don’t know what’s wrong

I started feeding him baby food like you did but then I contacted the vet that you visited in Dubai and they said that I have to force feed him, I got weaning food for a pet shop and I grinded it, added water and started to feed him with the same dose as yours , 10 cc every 3 hours. (force feeding)

anyways the vet gave him a shot of antibiotics and B12 vitamin, on Saturday , Sunday , and Money and today I gave him oral stomach medicine and I’m going to vet again now for update.

any advice please as he is still not eating and he looks extremely weak. By the way I started the baby parrot food today. We don’t have baby formula but I got weaning food and grinded it in a blender and I’m feeding him that today. I hope he gains some strength as he is not looking too good.



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Hi Omar,


I am so sorry to hear this and my heart goes out to you because I know from experience how it feels.


I am sorry I cannot offer you much in the way of advice. I can only tell you what I did. You are doing the right thing. Ensure that you feed him 10 cc every three hours.


You have not mentioned anything about water. The vital thing is to keep him hydrated and warm. Also how are the droppings?


I am sure you will get the same wonderful support that I got from all the members here.


It would be a good idea to start a separate thread.


My good thoughts are flowing towards you and your Grey.


Please keep us updated. I will be waiting with anxiety to hear from you.

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It is so hard to feel helpless when our loved ones are suffering. I hope it helps just a little to know how many people are sending healing thoughts and support while you are getting through this. It is remarkable the things you have found to tend to him when it is so difficult to find veterinarian care and supplies. You are very resourceful and your grey is sure to be bonded to you for your caring, I am sure he knows you love him.

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Omar just keep on doing what your doing I will be praying for your bird and sending lots of healing thoughts your way. wake sure you keep the tempature around 85 degrees in sick bed a light on him or better yet get an large plastic container and put a heating pad underneath one side that way if he gets to warm he can move away from it. heat is very imortant to them as well as makesure they stay hydrated sports drinks like gatoraid mixed 50/50 with water will also help. the heating pad should be set at medium. good luck to your baby.

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