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Rishi is very sick


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I feel like I have been holding my breath to see how Rishi and family are coping. I have driven the road between Dubai and Oman and it is desolate and difficult at best. I was transporting a dog to his new home and had all the paperwork that took weeks and numerous trips to their agencies, I was still a nervous wreck. To have your precious little one in ill health, border crossings and dealing with strangers and a new vet, my heart goes out to you and your family. I am really proud of you for doing everything you can for him and even happier because you give us all reason to be cautiously optimistic alongside you.

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We are now hopeful that he will be back to his normal self over the weekend (Thursday and Friday here in Oman) and by the time it is your weekeend, We are confident he will join us in thanking all of you.


I'm so happy happy that your sweet baby is starting to show some sign of feeling better. I will be praying for him until we get a clean bill of health. Its a very good sign that he's eating on his own and whistling,preening and talking I pray it only continues to get better and better, you 2 are the best parronts and if anyone can pull this baby through It will be you with all the love you are giving.

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WOW! You and your wife are the most amazing grey owners I have ever met! What you risked for your sweet adorable bird. I am in awe of you both. I pray that Rishi will continue on a healthy road of recovery. Bless you and your wife. Please keep us updated. We all care very deeply for you and Rishi.

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Rishi is almost normal !!! Except for his voice. It has become very mellow and soft !! We are unable to figure out why.


And since every cloud must have a silver lining, this one does too.


I have never been able to find pellets - neither in Oman nor in Dubai. I was not sure about ordering online because I was sure there would be import restrictions. So Rishi's diet consisted of seeds and fruits and vegetables.


Well, the long and short of it is that the hospital in Dubai had Roudybush and Harrisons and in my excitement I bought huge quantities !!


But what is astonishing is that Rishi has taken to the pellets right away !! As I type this he is on his perch behind me happily nibbling on pellets.


So, as we promised, Rishi thanks you all for your care and prayers and healing thoughts. My wife and I strongly believe that goodwill has its power and Rishi owes his recovery not only to the vet and our care but also to all the members here who had him in their thoughts.

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What absolutely fantastic news!! Make sure you tell that little Rishi every single day what great parronts he has and the risks that were taken in order that he is still here!!


Good news about the pellets too - they are full of all of the nutrition Rishi needs (in addition to his seed and veggies)!


I am so happy that this story has such a happy outcome, as if it wasn't for you and your wife's love and devotion things would have turned out much differently.


Get the camera out and get some pictures posted!!! :)

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That is truly wonderful news!! It's also good to hear you found a pellet source and Rishi is eating them.


Thanks for the update and I am so happy for Rishi and you that it has all worked out thanks to your commendable adventure to get the illness taken care of. :-)

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OH YAY! I am so very happy! I have been following this thread form the very beggening and I am so very glad he is doing so much better, You guys are so great to him, And you know he will be forever greatful, Animals defanitly know when they have been helped.


CONGRATS! {Feel-good-000200B9}

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There is nothing more I can add that hasn't already said by the other members of this forum. Many prayers have been answered and joy has been brought to all of us through Rishi, you and your wife. Thank you for keeping us updated and thank you for being such great parronts. Thank God for providing the nutrition that Rishi needed at such a perfect time and for answering our many prayers.

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OMG, what you passed through must have been terribl and I am so glad that hes better now, I do emagine what you went through to get him to dubai, and the hospital is difficult to reach, but at least the vets are great. Ive been there befor eand both Dr Chris and Juio are great.

Glad you were able to find pellets there.

Mostly glad that richie is doing better. I am so thankful to God for this.

Now did you get any feed back from them on the cause of disease. I dont think is PBFD, because that is deadly. I really hope its not. If they did the blood tests, it will need around 2 weeks to come back, but I hope not. How old is Richie now? Where did u buy him from? And I do recommend that you do not visit any et shops so that you dont get the PBFD virus on you.


I am close to you here in Abu Dhabi. If you ned any Harrisons pellets, just let me know I can buy them and send them over to you

All the best and keep us updated on Richi's situation.


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Thanks again everyone. It looks like Rishi has turned the corner. I now have to look at long term issues and also live with the fact that he could have PBFD.


The wonderful news is he is completely off seeds and has totally taken to the pellets with absolutely no fuss !! The switch happened from the day after we returned from Dubai.


I do not know the antecedents of Rishi since he acquired me at a pet shop but when I think how easily he has taken to pellets, it is very likely that he was used to them wherever he came from.


Thanks for the offer Ranaz. I will certainly get in touch with you if I need assistance to get pellets.


Yes getting to Nad Al Shiba was very difficult especially with the amount of construction work going on there. Dr. Guilio was the one who looked at Rishi. Very professional and knowledgeable. But unfortunately I do not have a definitive diagnosis. I got the blood results the next day and did not have to wait. Armed with the results my plan of action is to explore if online vets can assist. I am going on a business trip to San Francisco and Portland next week and I plan on carrying the reports and ask the opinion of some avian vets there.


Thank you all again for the thoughts, prayers and support.

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I bet he did eat pellets where he came from since he took to them so easily, I am glad he is doing so much better and I hope he doesn't have PBFD, have my fingers crossed and continue to pray for him.


Thanks for keeping us up to date on Rishi, you are a wonderful parront.

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I there are a lot of false possitives when it come to pfbd thats why the vets usually ask to test the birds again in 90 days. I hope for Rishi sake that his was a false possitive due to what ever he was sick from and that if you ever get around to getting him to a vet again that his tests come back negetive. I'm so glad he's doing better though thats wonderful. If you can keep him on the pellet diet that would be great I know Tyco loves her pellets also she eats veggies eggs pasta nuts and pellets and thats all she doesn'y eat her seeds at all even though I contiue to give them to her she eats the pellets that are in the seed mix I buy though plus her zupreem she just likes pellets I wish I could get all my birds to enjoy their pellets as much as Tyco does.

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