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Rishi is very sick


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My worst nightmare has come true, There was only one rule of the "Parrot's Bill of Rights" that I broke when Rishi came to our home. I knew that there were NO AVIAN VETS in Muscat. But I decided to risk it.


Rishi started throwing up last evening at 7 PM. It became worse during the night. We took him to the vet this morning. The vet gave him a shot of antibiotics, a shot of vitamins and some oral drops for gastritis. He asked us to come again tomorrow morning.


Right now he is a very sick bird. Does not eat or drink or poop. He last pooped this morning. The time here is now 9 PM. We are hand feeding him every two hours with powdered oats and wheatabix boiled in water and also giving him plenty of water. He keeps throwing up the water but not all of it.


Will update this post tomorrow.


In the meanwhile I will be grateful for any advice.

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Well Good Luck! So sorry to her your baby is sick! I am sorry I dont have any advice, But My thoughts are with you!


Cant you give them pedialite if they are not drinking much to keep them hydrated? I know you can with dogs, not sure about the greys...I know there will be good advice from these folks here! :)

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I am so sorry to hear this but do what you can for Rishi.


Can you not travel a ways to find an avian vet for I would do what I had to help my grey with whatever he has as it could be very serious. None of us here are qualified to give you any answers for if a bird is sick they must be seen by a vet, someone who is qualifed to diagnose problems and diseases.


I think you are doing the right thing to feed him and make sure he has some water so he doesn't get dehydrated.


Maybe some of the other members will have some advice for you but if I were you I would start looking for the nearest avian vet, they may not be close but he needs it ASAP.


Please keep us informed and I will keep Rishi in my thoughts and prayers that he be well soon.

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I'm so sorry to hear Rishi is sick.

The only thing I would suggest is giving him some fresh air, if he's breathed something in some fresh air might help, if your not doing that already.

I really hope he gets over whatever it is.

Our thoughts are with you.


Lyn & Alfie.



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Thanks everyone.


Yes JillyBeanz, the nearest avian vet is in Dubai. And yes there are border probems. But as Judy said, I am prepared to go to any lengths to give the best possible care for Rishi. There is no time to go through any paperwork. So.................


I don't want anyone here to be an accessory before the fact !!

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We recently had experience with lack of fluid, the vet told us to use "Power Aid" Our bird's liked "lemon-lime", it has more electrolyte and a longer shelf life,then "Pedialite" Try them all,you can also use "GATOR-AID.

Prayers be with you.<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/09/26 03:33

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Thank you all SO MUCH for your thoughts, concern and prayers. I returned from Dubai in the early hours of the 28th. I did not have time to update this thread yesterday and I was also having issues with the internet.


My wife and I decided that we were willing to face imprisonment and deportation for Rishi's sake and so smuggled Rishi across the border on 26th Sept and took him to Dubai to a specialty hospital for birds.


You can check out the hospital here: http://www.nadvethosp.com


I will not go into the details of how we managed to get him across and back because that is a long story !!


By the time we reached Dubai Rishi stopped vomitting. We had been handfeeding him baby food and powdered oats and wheatabix as recommended by the vet and also continued to give him water, which he drank frequently. My wife and I took turns from Thursday evening till Saturday morning to keep feeding him and giving him water every 2 hours and we were pretty exhausted (It is a 500 km drive) by the time we reached the hospital at 5 PM on the 26th.


At the hospital they put Rishi through a host of tests and asked us to leave him overnight with them and return at 2 PM on 27th. We stayed the night and in the afternoon went back to the hospital.


The vet said Rishi was in poor condition with most of the blood parameters not in the normal range.


But they do not know what is wrong and why !!!


Rishi was still neither feeding nor drinking water. We asked if he should stay at the hospital for a couple of days more but the vet said "it is no use".

He has given a seven day therapy that includes oral doses of the same antibiotic that the vet in Oman administered and another oral drug for the stomach and asked us to keep our fingers crossed. He said he strongly suspected PBFD virus.


We brought Rishi back to Oman on the 27th and reached home at 1 AM on the 28th.


Since then we have been hand feeding him a porridge of baby parrot food powder and powdered pellets. We give him 10 cc every 3 hours.


The vomiting has stopped and he seems to be regaining strength. He is also voluntarily eating the mix and is trying to eat seeds. But now he is passing only water when he poops. It is clear liquid !! And this happens a few minutes after he drinks water.


Right now our action plan is to continue the medicines and keep feeding him and giving him water frequently.


Once, with our care and your prayers, he gets over this, we have to look at how to address the core issues of his blood results.


Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2009/09/29 12:17<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2009/09/29 14:34

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