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Hey, everyone.

I have a CAG, Charlotte who is 1 year old. I've had her since March. I cannot believe how amazing these animals are and what they can all do (last night played ball (rolling it back and forth) with her for 20 minutes). I have a question as to how to diminish a behavior. Charlotte seems to excessively scratch her beak to the point where now in the middle of it, there is a small area that is pink. When I first got her and took her to the vet for a check-up, she had quite a few scratches on her beak. However, 1 month ago, the pink tint started to appear. I have taken her to the vet to see if there was anything wrong. She came back with a clean bill of health. He told me to give her more attention- unfortunately he did not ask me how much I give her (small area- only vet specialized in birds for over 2 hours). Currently I give her about 4-5 hours of direct attention (petting; playing ball; teaching her colors, items, etc; and so on) along with indirect attention (her sitting on my shoulder; going around the house with me; playign with a toy on my desk; and so on) for about 4 hours a day. I am a college student, but the longest I am away from Charlotte is a maximum of 6 hours a day. Most days, it is only 3-4 hours as one of the professors I work with allows me to bring her up to the college and work with me. What can I do to diminish this excessive beak scratching behavior? I know beak scratching is a normal thing, but the extent to what hers is (pinkish spot in the very middle of her beak) scaring me, and with the vet not giving me very great advice, I am at a loss. If more info is needed: she eats Harrisons bird food supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies, has lots of toys that are rotated at least weekly, showers every other day (her choice: is offered every day), cage cleaned every day with thorough cleaning 2 times a week and water and food dishes cleaned 3 times a day, has a large cage (5 ft X 3 ft X 4ft), is intellectually stimulated (knows colors, food items, how to take apart many objects, etc), if there is any other information I can give that one needs to try and help me reduce this, please let me know. She is my "baby girl" and I would hate to have anything go wrong with her that I can prevent or at least reduce. Thank you all, and while I have just registered, I have been a snooper/creeper on this site for awhile, and the advice you give each other is amazing.

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Hi Charlotte, it sounds to me like you are giving your grey plenty of attention and if she has had a clean bill of health from the vet I don't really see what else you can do. My grey also is a constant beak-rubber but so far I've not seen what you describe on him. Why not post a picture to give us some idea of what it looks like?


There will probably be more knowledgeable members who will post replies to your problem and a picture will help them with that. Try not to worry too much.

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Hi Charlotte,

Welcome to the group!

Lol - you've been a snooper? That made me smile.

As Jooles said, you've pretty much covered everything with Charlotte, it doesn't sound as if she wants for anything!

A photo would help though, and you'll soon have replies from the pros of the forum helping you with your querie!

Bye for now.


Lyn & Alf


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Hello Charlotte and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Charlotte.


As you have already been reading thru the threads continue to do so for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Charlotte you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Sounds like Charlotte gets a lot of good food, attention and love. Perhaps a visit to another avian vet even if it is a 2 hour drive is in order to easy your mind. If you have some pictures of Charlotte, we could take a look. I'm glad you decided to join us and hope to hear more about Charlotte. Welcome to the Grey family.

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Thank you guys so much for your replies. I am attempting to borrow a friends camera to take a photo of it. I did receive great advice today after getting in contact with the breeder I bought her from. Her advise was to change all perches to soft material (such as rope) for awhile to try to get her to stop the extent of the behavior as although beaking is normal, she just seemed to really get into that behavior where it's now destructive, and by changing those for a little while may reduce it. So, I am going to take her advise, but if I am able to get a camera to upload a photo anytime soon so that way you all can see what I mean, I will. Again, I thank all of you for your advice.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Ur doing a great job Charlotte. I have 2 grays. One is molly, ex-breeder bird - now my little girl pet bird and my other bird is Marvin grey.marvin came from a guy who keppt him in acloset Bcuz he waz two much work I am guezzzing.


I lowride with both of my greyz and over the last coupel of months we have started to run errands twogether. It waz hard work having one on each shoulder with trying to man age there harnessez, ect. Lately I juzt take one at a X and normalee it is marvin grey, b/cuz he loves to where hiz tuxedo.


I allso had a bad experienxe one X with Molly divebombing another shopper at the grocery store (the harness mal functioned. :evil: and we were azked to leave.


Keep up the great work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would give an update on Charlotte's beaking issue: The breeder I got her from made the perfect suggestion. Charlotte's beak actually has a blackish tint to it, but most importantly the main scratch has healed, as well as the other minor scratches have cleared up quite nicely! I have put some wooden perches back in her cage and she seems to have stopped excessively beaking them and now just doing it every now and then to feel the texture and to clean her beak off! I must say, I am glad I went from a guest to an actual member- thank you for caring and including me in this family immediately! {Love-0002011D}

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