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Hello everybody!


Greetings from Finland again;)


I haven't been here because my life go upside down on February in this year. I have been in big surgery on March, because I had cancer. Now everytihing is okay:)

In March one of my friend ask me if I want to take his african gray timneh in my home and try how life is with bird. I have to answer him that I can't now because the situation in my life.

Again he ask me about month ago the same question and quess what I answered him.....YES ofcourse:laugh:


So now I have spend over one week with gray timneh Muru (is his name) and I just LOVE it:kiss:

Muru is DNA tested male and he is about 21-years old and very lovely bird.

Future will show if Muru move here with me for good;)

I try to put picture here also if I can:blush:



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Hi Silvergrey and welcome back to the forum. Sounds like you have "been through the mill" so to speak but it's great to know you are better now. They do say that animals are good for the owner's health so maybe you have done the right thing in taking a lovely grey into your life. If nothing else he will take your mind off your problems and I'm sure you are in for a lot of fun with him.


Thank you for posting this lovely picture of Muru. Do you know the meaning of his name? Sending best wishes from the UK ;)

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Welcome back Silvergrey, sorry to hear of your health problems but hopefully you are on the road to recovery now.


Thats great that you could take in this grey, he is a lovely looking Tag, no wonder you are taken with him and it sounds like you are really enjoying having him as part of your life, Muru will enrich it and you both will be the better for it.


Thanks for including a picture of Muru and feel free to share more if you have them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again :)


First the BIGGEST news, last Wednesday I had the first medical control after cancer treatment and EVERYTHING is okay...what a relief:woohoo:


Second, everything with Mr. Muru is okay:kiss: I just feel that I have been whole of my life with bird. My dogs (bordercollie) have taken Muru very good.:)


Little more about Muru...He have been living with one family almost whole his life. He was one year old when he moved in this family where he is now. His owner never wanted him to be domesticated bird, so you can't touch him or he will use beak on you. In Muru's early years he have been sitting in hand and so on but nowadays you just use stick to move him place to place.

But now in three weeks I have practising touching him with little stick (not yet with hand)in his legs and beak and little in head and I'm so suprised that he haven't been afraid of that..he even gives his neck for me to scratch a little bit:kiss:


Muru don't fly at all, he have injured his one wing and pinions don't crow anymore (that what the owner told me). I'm little sad about that and I have thinking that if you cut the other healthy side same like that injured side so maybe those wings will crow back...or maybe this is only my imagination:blush:

Why I have thinking this, is because Muru try to fly sometimes and when he do that he fall down in floor almost imidiatly and every time he come down in that injured wing, so it hurt again and again and wings don't have any chance to crow back. His balance is not good with two different kind of wings:(


Here is again one photo of Muru, he have just come out of shower (like it a lot):kiss:



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Hi Nina so very glad your health is on an upswing!!! Congratulations. As for Muru feathers, I would ask Dave 007 in the Health Room. It sounds like a great idea to me and certainly worth a try but I have no experience in the area! Glad you're back, can't wait to hear more about Muru!

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I am so pleased your health is on the mend.What a year you have had.


I would have a vet take a look at Meru and see if his wing can be sorted, or at least help in some way. It would be so nice if he could fly.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Grate looking gray bird. Taking in older greys is alwayz better than getting a chick, b/cuz they need homes more. I think more peaple are into older greyz. it seemz to be the trend.


Glad to now u can handle getting bit :evil: I still ware three pairz of gloves when I dress molly up to go run errands with me and she can still man age a sizable bite :evil: ,but i love her and i really dont kare if she bitez.

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