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Leave pellets in all day?


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Even with all of the goodies Chimay gets to eat when his human slaves are home, we do make sure that he has all day access to pellets and sometimes we mix in some dried veggies (since they can keep all day unlike fresh). We always replace his pellets within 24 hours tho...no old stale pellets allowed. :)

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I don't stay up all night to see if Josey does indeed snack on her pellets during the night but leaving some in the bowl makes sense in case they do want some and some probably do snack during the night. They are not going to attract any more pests during the night than they do during the day.

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Both of my birds are late night snackers. I leave food and water bottles in 24/7 in case something happens and my husband and I are unable to come home as planned (example: we were in a really bad auto accident last year and neither of us could come home from the hospital for 4 days. It took 2 days for us to be cooherant enough to ask someone to go to the house and check on Schroeder. I was very glad he had tons of food and water in his cage). I feel that if they aren't hungry, they wont eat. My birds have VERY healthy diets and I am not concerned about them getting overweight.

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