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I just wanted to express my gratitude to every member here on this forum. It is such a wonderful family we have created here thanks to all of you. :)


I know I haven't been posting much these last few months, and that is because I am working 3 jobs, studying and being a mom to 3 of my 4 kids. But I am on here 5-6 times a day reading all the latest posts. I may not log on, as I get every post on my Blackberry, and read them as I am going about my day. But I am always smiling and enjoying what I read. :cheer:


So A HUGE THANK TO EVERYONE for all their replies to our members, all the advice, all the smiles, and especially the companionship and respect that you show to everyone.


A BIG THANK YOU to our moderators, and to those members that NEVER miss a reply. I feel so lucky to have everyone here as a part of my world. :kiss:



Penny aka Talon

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Hi Penny,

It does take a lot of people in a lot of different roles to make a forum as successful as this one.

You must do an awful lot of reading if you get all the posts!! And you are right, there are some members who never miss any of them!

I have been a member since I got Alfie in May 2008, and I really would have been a little lost without this Forum.

I'm only just beginning to use it fully - finding older posts that are every bit as helpful as the newer ones!

So a big thank you to you too, Penny, and indeed everyone who has made me and Alf feel like part of the family!


Lyn & ALf


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Ive just joined, im a member on several forums, each of them seem to offer something different to the others but all are about our fids, this forum seems very friendly and helpful, hope to be posting on it for a long time to come! Still feeling a little lost and trying to find my way round but i will get there soon, thanks guys.:kiss:

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Personally Penny, I think you are awesome. I wish you were around a lot more to talk with us. But it gives me a sense of calm when I look at the list of those present and see your name even if you aren't posting. I consider you a real confidante and a large part of why this forum runs so well. With your busy life, I'm just delighted that you still find time for us-- Your Grey Family! Best wishes to you and yours!!!!

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As I've said before, I've never ever been a member of any forum ever, never before - this is the first! I don't own a facebook account, a bebo a myspace or any other social networking thingymebobbie - basically because I don't want people knowing what I am doing!!


I have made many friends here - and Harvey has the first 9 months of his life to thank for the members here!! I'm certainly no grey expert, I like to think myself as part of the entertainment's committee!!!


I'm not sure how you find the time either Penny - but a big, big thank you for being here!!


Lots of love Jill (and Harvey of course :kiss: )

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A Big THANK YOU back Penny!!!


You have done a wonderful job on this forum and we are very fortunate to have you as an administrator.


Kids and bids are demanding and expensive.


Since they are old enough and all very smart. Put them to work in their free time to buy all those gadgets and toys they like to have the latest of constantly. :P


Seriously though, I know it's gotta be tough in this economy and you are one hell of a provider!!


Love Ya - Dan

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It really should be us thanking you Penny, you have pretty much made this forum what it is today with some help from Ceasarsdad and I know your time is precious but you manage to stay on top of matters here.


You are one amazing woman and I know of some of the hardships you have faced lately but you still find time to take care of business here and for that I am eternally grateful.


I am honored to be a part of this forum and feel proud to be one of your closest friends and even though you have been thru some hard times you are being justly rewarded as we speak, you are doing one hell of a job so keep up the good work, you go girl!


Love ya xox

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Well, Thank you everyone for your kind words. :blush:


It takes a family like ours to make this place what is is. Karma for everyone, for caring for others, for your understanding and willingness to give of yourselves to help every bird here have the best life possible. :) :kiss: :kiss:

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