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I'd like to hear from others as to when their grey began to talk. I know not all of them do talk, some are just big on sounds & whistles. My Timneh is just over a year, she whistles great & makes the sounds of my green cheek. She does many vowel sounds, says hello (sometimes) & says uhh ohh. She sounds adorable in so many ways but seems slow with the talking. My green cheek probably can say 50 words or so, she started early & is still coming out with new things. Am I expecting to much to soon or is she just a quiet one? I talk to her all the time & she is out most of the day with the family. I really would like to know how other birds her age are doing with their vocabulary.

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Some will start early such as 5 mts, some will start at 1 yr to 18 months old. That figure can vary a bit. Some will not talk but will be masters of every possible sound they can hear. Others will do the same with words but not sounds. Whistling is something every grey doesvery well with no lessons. If she's saying a few words, there's a chance that she may say more. Some people have to practice the talking with their greys and other people don't need to do anything. THis applies to TAGs and CAGs. What you've got going for you is your bird's age. How other people's birds are coming along with their vocabulary really won't give you an answer you'd be satisfied with because it really boils down to when will the bird speak and how much, how little.

I will say that TAGs are masters of making sounds without ever hearing them before. Have a TAG on your shoulder, pour a cup of coffee and the TAG will make the exact same sound as the coffeee being put into a cup. Put dishes away and a TAG will make the same scraping sounds as 2 dishes scraping together ettc etc<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/24 23:42

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Josey did not talk until she was a year of age and I was beginning to think she was not going to talk at all so be patient, she will talk when she feels ready. You will probably hear a lot of gibberish at first as she is trying her voice but soon the words and phrases will spill out.

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I am trying my best to be patient. Her voice is so cute to hear, I just want more of it! My green cheek knows exactly what she is saying, it is always the right phrase at the right time. I am so eager to see what my grey has on her mind.

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Rudy is 5 months old today and so far no words or whistles , maybe she is saveing it up lol for one big blast of something but thats ok I have my other 2 that talk non stop , my quaker talks his little head off and pics up new words really fast and KC my Eclectus gets on a roll and doesn't shut up for hours so no hurry when she is ready


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Whisper came home to me when she was 4 mo old. Just a few weeks after she was home she started whistling. she was saying her first words at 6 months. Today at 21 months she says over 90 phrases and adds to that every few days. SHE NEVER SHUTS UP! :laugh:

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Char wrote:

Today at 21 months she says over 90 phrases and adds to that every few days. SHE NEVER SHUTS UP! :laugh:




But, you know the enjoyment, laughter, sometimes SHOCK that all the clamering brings to you, along with the companionship and love.:-)



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I was just getting ready to post the same question, Lol, My CAG Calypso Does a lot of weird sounds, I am guessing she is trying to talk, I dunno, She does the whistle at the end of the sponge bob square pants theme song, And the wolf whistle, The microwave, and the smoke detector (my LEAST fav...haha, She is JUST as loud as the detector is, haha) Then all kinds of weird mumbleing and groaning sounds, I actually have a video of her making these sounds, I thought about posting it, BUT, You cant see her in the video, I was hiding around the corner, Cuz she shuts up when she see's the camera, OH well, Maybe I will post it anyway...

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