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Can hard water cause a bird to pluck?


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I was reading another forum and someone on there suggested that because the bird was bathed using tap water (hard water) that it has caused the bird to pluck it's feathers. Can that really happen? I shower my bird with tap water and our water is pretty hard. Am I causing trouble? How do you bath your bird if you have hard water? I mist her with distilled water, but a real bath is hard to do using distilled water.



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I use tap water to bathe my grey at least 3 times a week. She doesn't pluck. I mist her almost daily with Aloe Vera juice and that keeps her feathers soft and flake free. She loves the misting and fluffs out her feathers and spreads her wings so the spray can penetrate down to her skin. She gets really soaked. I have done this since she was 4 months old.

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My well has hard water and Josey doesn't pluck so that statement that hard water makes them pluck is bull.


You can use the aloe vera juice straight from the fridge or allow it to come to room temperature, some greys prefer their bath water to be on the cooler side instead of warm.


It will last a long time in the fridge but if you use it regularly it won't be a problem.

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