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Junk food junkie


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My Timneh is developing bad eating habits. Think I need to change a few things. She will eat pretzels, chips, cheese & yogurt none of which is good for her, but given as a treat sometimes. She turns her beak up at things I have read are suppose to be good. I give her a top brand of parrot food made for greys but it's all the fresh fruit & vegetables I am concerned about. Some things she loves, like grapes, soy beans, peas, chick peas but many other things she is way to picky about. Do I just keep offering food she won't eat & throwing it out? I don't want to give the impression she does not eat well but her taste in food is not what i expected.

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I think the best thing is to change your eating habits, she sees you eating these foods and wants them too. It is not something she should be eating on a regular basis, a taste now and then is ok.


Yes keep offering her the good stuff, she might not eat it right now but sometime in the future she may.

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I don't cater to my fids. I always have fresh pellets and dried vegetables and fruits available for them 24/7 so I feed them fresh vegetables and foods that I choose. If they don't eat them then they have to eat the pellets and dried foods that I know are good for them. Their seeds and nuts are treats for when they are out of their cages and they really enjoy then.

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That is how Rexxy is. He will kill you for cheese or butter.


He gets a great healthy breakfast and frese pellets and some seeds. He fully eats his breakfast.


Then dinner comes and he becomes frantic. We give him his plate but mine is better. So now we put his on my plate and it is helping.

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I tend to keep a similar color and texture of better food near- I like the kiddie Fruit Roll-Ups, but make real ones. Although the color is a tad different, sometime I'll use more fruit juices to change the color to look more like the kids and attempt to "trick" her- tends to fail most of the time. For most non-nutritious foods, I have resorted to leaving the room without her and eating quickly, otherwise Charlotte will fly to my shoulder and stick her beak right in front of my mouth so if I get any food, she also does!

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