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Can this behaviour be explained?


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My wife wakes up Rishi in the morning and puts him to sleep at night. He is outside the cage all day. She gives him his food, his treats, his water. Plays with him and talks to him. He learns his words only from her. He screams if she leaves the room. But..........


Absolutely refuses to let her touch him and if she gets close to me, he attacks.


What can explain this behaviour?

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Your are the favored person. Your wife is just another member of the flock that is subservient to Rishi. She can help with chores and feed him, but no touching.


Will he take treats from her? Will he sit on her hand, arm or shoulder, but just no touching?


If so, thats not bad, touching is just off limits at this time.

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Dan is right, most greys will pick a favorite if there are two or more in a household and there is not much you can do about it but accept it. They usually have different relationships with each individual, with you he allows you to touch and handle him but your wife can play with him and give him his food and water but not touch him. It can change in the future as it has been known to happen but for now you will just have to settle for what he is willing to give.

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Thanks Dan and Judy.


Yes he will take treats from her (rambutan fruit is his favourite). He occasionally sits on her hand.


Of course there is also the fact that my wife got bitten a few times (not very hard) and even I can sense her hesitancy when she approaches him and Rishi obvously senses that.

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