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Temptations :P


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So recently we rearranged our 'den' where Yoshi's cage is and our big new desks are. We ended up moving Yoshi's cage to the opposite end of the room, and since then (for 3 days) she has been sticking to one side of her cage (she has a LARGE cage) staying as far away from the closet as possible. The thing is, her food and water bowls are on the side she has been avoiding. Well yesterday I gave her an almond, and then made it obvious that I put another in her food bowl, which she stared at and made no attempt for. Today, it still wasn't touched, so this morning I put a pistachio in there too (her top favorite :P) and she just looked over longingly. Well, I came home for lunch and 'tadaa' she was being a monkey on the other side of her cage on her multiple ropes and when I looked in the bowl both the almond and the pistachio were gone.


I guess temptation overcame her fear, and now she is acting like she was never afraid of the closet :P


By the way, I found a nice new desk, with a long board in the middle set up just for Yoshi :P It has her Walmart toy, the pen (no ink) she likes to occasionally chew on as I do homework, and is in a perfect position for her to watch over me as I do my computer work and stuff. My husband has the exact same desk, and since we spend a lot of time at our desks space for Yoshi was a must :P

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