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Right - this is what we have been waiting for - we have all of the rooms on the forum - but not one for us idiots, and by "us idiots" I wholly include myself as to of the pile! We want an idiot's room!!!


This is the thread to ask all of the "stupid" questions (and not be laughed at)!! A place to share all of your stupidity (and not be laughed at) and a place to share your concerns (and not be laughed at).


Actually - the bracketed statements above are an absolute lie - you will be laughed at - because you will realise that there are people on this planet as stupid as you!!!


I shall start - How long can a parrot preen? Harvey's been sitting here now for 40 minutes and hasn't stopped!!!! ;)


PS. Actually - this thread isn't limited to our birds - ask as many silly life questions as you wish!!!

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Nobody but Jill could pull this off, glad you took it on yourself to start this thread, I have been wondering about you lately but now I am convinced you are one nutty woman, I can relate to that.


Ok I've got one, how long have you been this stupid Jill or did it come on with the acquistion of Harvey?




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Jill, sorry to tell you this... no.. wait thats a lie, I laughed. Harvey sent me a private message telling me to let the forum know he isn't the only one hormonal and "picking" at every little scratch. LOL. He is really chafed at that "idiot" reference and he said, it takes one to know one. LOL

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Ooops, hold on - my mouse isn't at 90 degree angles to my keyboard, be right back. There, all better, now, what was I going to say? Whoops, hold on, my telephone is slightly tilted to the right - I'm just going to straighten it up. Back! All better.


Right, what was that about OCD - what is it? :laugh:


Dee - Harvey was supposed to be in bed. Do not encourage him to PM you after lights out. You and I shall fall out if you are leading him astray! :laugh:

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Harvey is such an astute fellow he said all he does is move a few things out of place, set you off on a dither and then he gets online and sends all those PMs to keep us laughing. What a sport that fellow Harvey. He worries me a bit, sounds like my husband, make a fuss to keep me busy so he can have quiet time to himself to watch football.

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Do female parrots drive Bernie? Good thing ours is a male. Probably the female parrot drivers are bad drivers because their little gnarly feet can't reach the pedals and they have to steer with their wings. That considered, they must be the supreme drivers 'cause I've never read of them having an accident in all my life.

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