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New PC I'm developing


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It will be a "Must have"...... :P


Can't leave your office for a break? NO PROBLEM!!!




Wish you had CONTROL over what goes on in the Company? NO PROBLEM!!!




Everything going wrong and it's just one of those !@#!heeba hubba woffa!!&^$$$ Days? NO PROBLEM!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've suffered a few set backs in Quality Assurance testing. Using volunteers from the FART (Big Blasting tons of Gas), TOOT (little but deadlies) and the SPEW (Acid, Water and Chunks) groups.


Explosions from the Gas ignited by it seeping through even the most minuscule microscopic seams wreaked havoc here.


Acid melted some of the metal and the liquid resulted in not only frying the electronics, but the electrocuted the spewer as well.


We are now going to NEMA approved PC enclosures that are both Gas and Liquid proof.


I'll keep you posted on the progress here in our laboratory as the development team makes progress and we find more testers (Volunteers) due to the demise of the first group. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dan, you need to make sure that QA and QC get their acts together and make this thing happen fast.


In the last 24 hours I've replaced the APC UPS and the PS (terribly underpowered!). Given that I forgot to reconnect the VGC with the PS start up resulted in a completely blank screen. I immediately thought it was a problem with the new terabyte HD, so disconnected it. Then went through the complete restart and set up of the UPS but that didn't help either. So, here we go running through all the connections, all SATA and PCI are grounded properly, no idea of what to do. Plucked up the tower, put it in the boot and headed down to the local hacks for a look see. Unfortunately they wanted $100 just to crack it open so I told them forget it. Off I head to the Geek Squad and those little sweeties were dream boats, looking inside and immediately realizing that the VGC wasn't powered. Go figure.


Then today, Windows Vista's 64-bit decided they needed to install SP2. That only took an hour (done while I went to the eye doctor) and a restart with updates that lasted another hour (after I got home of course). Only to result in not being able to log into the damned system. Out comes the laptop, straight to MS I go and start looking into the problems with the latest updates. Restart in safe-mode, get past their problem and do a restore.


Please, PLEASE, get your new computer system up and running, I desperately need the special set up in order to just survive and be able to get where I belong: F.A.R.T., T.o.O.T., and S.P.E.W.




Robin (in need of advice, a new puter, and THIS forum!)

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Wow, what a hassle Robin!!!


Still working the kinks out on the new PC.


In the interinm it sounds like you got going finally after the sp2 update. We updated the entire office to sp2 with no issues on 32 and 64 bit versions.


Hope the rest of your day goes better!! :-)

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Hubby said if I have another day with a windows system I can go get a Mac. I told him I was waiting for your new system, assuming you'll be using your own OS. He further commented on my desire to stay on the bleeding edge of technology and his paycheck supporting almost all of silicon valley. What can I say, I like to be in the lead....heheheh.

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