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Beak banging? Does your grey do it?


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Ursula has started making a funny head bob (it involves the whole neck, actually), and she taps/bangs her beak on something when she does it (food bowl, cage if she's standing on top of it, occasionally our hands if we're holding her).


It's not enough to do damage, but it's not light, either! She usually bangs her beak (the tip, not the front) about 5 times or so at a shot (lasts about 2 seconds total).


She usually does this when she's feeling frisky - not territorial, quite, but bold and rather excited.


Anyone know what this means? Any other greys out there beak banging?

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Harvey attacks, and I mean attacks his toys on his playstand - I wouldn't fancy being between his beak and the toy when he gets going - he gives them a right hammering!


Dan's right - the stainless steel bowls are best - especially at 06.15 am when you are the only one up in the house and preparing your baby's breakfast and they throw that bowl on your slate floor.......everyone's awake then!!!! ;)

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sounds to me like you got yourself a little drummer she's just trying to catch the rythum. try putting some music on when shes like that I bet she can rock & roll with the best of them you'll have a rock star in no time LOL just kidding but it does sound like she's just trying to find different things that make noise she's haveing fun is all I wouldn't worry.

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Hmmm... making noise. I hadn't thought of that because none of the things she taps on make a dramatic noise (yet!), but it makes sense. She loves making noise with her voice much of the day, so why not?


It did make me think a little of a woodpecker drumming on something to mark their territory...

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  • 2 months later...

Gizmo loves to bang his beak on the bars of his cage and toys. He will also grab his bell and click his beak. I love watching him play generally just before he starts in with it he slides his beak up and down the cage bars.

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