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Panicking this Evening!


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As some of you may know, Harvey has been going through his first moult. Coupled with this I have it in my head that he is losing weight (this only fluctuates 8 or 9g per day at the most - and rises again in the evening after a good day's feed!).


This bird has me paranoid.


Today I came in from work and took him from his cage, which was the usual foraging rubbish on the floor, food on the floor, poop on the floor - you all know what I mean.


I took him out of his cage and gave him a big kiss and put him on his playstand and prepared his dinner. His usual is to pick the veggies out and toss them as far as he can - which I duly pick back up for "second chances"!


Today he started "growling" with every breath - I was so scared I phoned the vet to make an appointment (as I was adamant it was his final breath). The first appointment I could get was tomorrow.


My husband came in, calmed me down, calmed Harvey down and insists it's just one of his "new noises" - which he is right - he has completely stopped this and is suffering absolutely no adverse effects!


I can't cope anymore!! I'm really going to end up in the loony bin over a blinking parrot!!! :)

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Now I see why you shouldn't get another bird, you would be a nervous wreck for sure, this one little bird has you heading for the loony bin and he isn't even a year old yet, I shudder to think of what the future holds for you, world watch out.


Thanks for giving me a laugh today Jill, that with what my doctor told me today that I had the blood pressure of a teenager, I am in fine form.

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The noise is a parrot who wanted to get the better of his best mate! The only way I can describe it (to dog owners) is that little low growl that a dog makes when you are eyeing up it's bone!


Harvey's was in time with his breathing though - so it was definitely pneumonia, a collapsed lung or a pulmonary emboli!


I am so pleased the vet didn't have an appointment - I would have given him £50 for him to pat me on the back and say "he's fine, just watch him!!"


He hasn't done it since - has eaten me out of house and home, flown around every room in the house (as usual) and is now sitting on the top of the door whilst I type finding those "darn feathers".


I'm a nervous wreck!! :)

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Jill, I have heard the grey growl and all I can say is it sounded like a cross between a big angry dog and a tractor trailer jake brake with a thumping sort of sound. That said, if I said to my husband that the bird was sending me off to the looney bin, he would say "honey, you were well on the way without the parrot." :P


And Judy, before we celebrate your healthy blood pressure, did the doc happen to say which teenager? That might make a difference. LOL. Just kidding, when you get a clean bill of health at checkup time, that is a reason for all of us to celebrate. When my doctor sees me and says he would like to see me get in better shape, I act surprised and say "round is a shape."

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Mmm - Kids Char. Erm, if I say no then I'm covered and you'll think I'm just an overprotective parront. Now, if I say yes, then I presume Social Services will be called!


I haven't seen the kids since 2001 - I left them in the cupboard under the stairs!!!


Funnily enough - the kids have hardly ever been to the doctors - in real life I am not a stressful person (either in work or home life) it's just this bloody parrot!!!! :laugh:


Now, back to the kids - have I fed them this week?

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There is nothing wrong with being an overprotective parront. I am the same way. My DYH baby is off to the vet this weekend because his poop does not look quite right to me. This will be the third time in 3 months that I have rushed one of the birds off to the vet just to be told they are fine.


The vet doesn't mind. He can use the money.:laugh:

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I did something this MORNING to upset jasper. totally my fault...but after that, he was exteremly growly. I mean, like to everything. His toys, me, ha, well, except for my husband. Never pissy with him!


I'm like way to embarrased to tell you what I did...but I will because you're probably curious now!


I had this 'ring of nuts' and he was on his T-stand, sitting on his bowl. Well, the only way I thought of putting it on the T-stand was over the bowl...well, me being feather brained, I decided that he might want it right now. Which, he takes forever to warm up to new toys...so what was I thinking?


I put it over him to get it over the bowl. Well, as you can imagine, that didn't go so well.


And 12 hours later, he's finaly over it, after 'forcing' me to scratch his head.


HAHA...yea, I'm trained...but it was me who initated it.

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your not going crazy we are all just a little over protective of our birds. I think it comes along with the birds adoption or something. I have taken Tyco to the vet on a couple panic strickin moments once it was because her wing wasn't up as high as it usally is she was in perfect health my vet thought I had totally lost it she said she had never seen such a healthy bird. I thought she was sick because of a wing dropping a little lower than usual. I think allot of parronts worry about their birds. I don't know why that is because they are really quite hardy. I've got an appointment for Darius on Saturday because he sneezed the other day and I want to make sure He doesn't have a sinus infection. I can't help it ever since he sneezed I check to make sure his eyes are clear and his nares aren't dripping anything. its so silly I even look to make sure his ears look ok. I know my vet is going to tell me he's just fine but I going to take him just to ease my mind or I'll worry until I do. So don't worry that you panic when your baby does something he's never done before and you get scared its all part of being a parront.

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Jingles wrote:

I had this 'ring of nuts' and he was on his T-stand, sitting on his bowl. Well, the only way I thought of putting it on the T-stand was over the bowl...well, me being feather brained, I decided that he might want it right now. Which, he takes forever to warm up to new toys...so what was I thinking?


All I can say is ...................................... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the morning laugh. :-) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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