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Has anyone ever used this stuff?


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Okay so I was just flipping through August's issue of BirdTalk magazine and came across a product sold by King's Cages...the description really disgusted me and before I jump to conclusions I wanted to get the forum's opinion in case there's any merit to this stuff.


It's called Shhhhh! and the descriptions reads "King's Cages Shhhh! helps relieve excess squawking, screaming and hyper excitability." My first reaction to this was "THEY'RE BIRDS!! Of COURSE they'll make noises and be active, as healthy birds should!" And I do realize that excessive screaming and hyperactivity are behavioral issues but is it one that can or SHOULD be resolved with some magical solution in a bottle? In the photo of the bottle itself, it states on the label that it is supposed to stop excessive barking in dogs as well.


This product and what it is promoting really rubbed me the wrong way and I just wanted to find out from you all if there is any merit to their claims.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/09/23 18:53

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I don't know what is in this stuff, I looked on their website and it didn't list the ingredients, I would not use it without knowing what was in it but yes a bird is supposed to be a bird, they make noise, don't know how this stuff is supposed to work but I will not be using it.

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HA HA!!! I absolutely agree!



PLEASE feel free to correct me if I'm being overly harsh on these guys, but I feel like it's a bit irresponsible of BirdTalk to allow this kind of product to be advertised in their magazine. From my understanding, screaming/hyperactivity are behavioral issues that can be deeply seeded in some other physical or psychological problem. To be blunt about it, my first thought when I saw this product is that King's Cages is gearing it towards people who have purchased a loud cockatoo or macaw on a whim and now have no idea how to deal with the noise. TA DA! A magic potion that gives back the household's peace and quiet...:blink: Sigh

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Agreed, my initial reaction to seeing this product was also negative. That said, if it worked, and was safe, there might be limited short term situations were it would be in the best interest of a parrot. I've flown quite a bit with a parrot in the cabin of an airplane, and luckily was blessed with a parrot that clammed up in strange surroundings. If I needed to fly with a noisy bird, and an avian vet assured me that the product worked, and was safe, I might consider it....

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My first thought was to think that we were being asked to spray away "troublesome" parrot behavior. Then, as I read your posts, I remembered that when my girls were in school and had tests coming up, we made them warm milk and told them it was "hot nog" and was meant to help them sleep, and they would go to bed early at the suggestion. Also, when I was learning about aromatherapy, there are natural oils that bring about relaxation and other desired effects without being considered medication.


I chuckled when I thought about it... maybe the spray is meant to mellow out the stressed parrot owner so the natural exuberance of the bird doesn't affect them so negatively. LOL. I tried the "suggestion" method on my husband too, I told him the ylang-ylang oil would make him open his wallet in a hypnotic state and give me money with a smile. Still working on that suggestion. :kiss:


Seriously though, just like all the other things we are concerned about with candles, fumes etc. I would check with the vet before using any kind of new product.

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