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My Grey


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My Grey is 5 months old. Everyday when i get home from work at 6pm i take him out and play with him till about 10:30pm when I'm off to bed. He loves to be scratched on his head and loves to flap his wings and fly off around the house. Now if i try to touch his back or his belly he goes crazy and trys to bite me. I don't give up i keep touching him slowly and keep tryin to work with him but he just wont let me touch his back or tail he wants to bite me. Also i feed my grey alot of Fresh Fruits and his Seed mix which i buy from the pet store but for some reason he looks very small i want him to gain some weight i tryed peanut better but he doesn't like it. can anyone please help me out


Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2007/07/17 02:37<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2007/07/17 02:38



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Did you get the scale? I know we spoke about this..


Regarding touching his back and tail.. You may never be able to do that and that would be considered normal.. Don't worry about it.. What you will find is birds are not like dogs or cats in this regard.. Some don't like to be touched at all.. Anywhere.. But I would still work him.. You may reach a point where he tolerates being touched there..

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Very nice looking grey, Bronxboomer, thanks for sharing that with us.

Do you have him on a pellet, something like Harrison's High Potency is what I like, a lot of vets recommend it too, he needs some pellets every day to balance his diet. He should be getting more pellets than seeds.

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Yeah they gave me some colorful Pellets which i have in his cage as well I have his regular Mix food And i mix some Pet powe Avian Trio which is good for him here is the website www.petpower.com Casper_001.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2007/07/17 03:05


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Guest briansmum

mine is also 5 months and looks exactly the same build as yours. they are supposed to be slender, the are large bodied birds with big heads, so they're not supposed to be "beefy" or they'd weight too much to fly.

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Guest Lidia

Bronxboomer wrote:

Now if i try to touch his back or his belly he goes crazy and trys to bite me. I don't give up i keep touching him slowly and keep tryin to work with him but he just wont let me touch his back or tail he wants to bite me.


Joshua likes to be stroked on his back and belly, but only when he's in the mood. He likes to be picked up and flipped upside down to have his tummy kissed. And if he's sitting on my shoulder preening, he will preen the feathers I tickle.

Stick with it, it's well worth the effort.

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It probably wouldn't hurt to just have the pellets mixed in with the mix food... That way, he'll get used to the pellets and then you can slowly decrease the amount of the mix food... From what I've expirienced, they usually won't try the pellets IF they're in a seperate bowl, especially IF their regular food is accessable, but they may still not eat the pellets if you pull their normal food "Cold Turkey"... Just my two cents... Good Luck!!


Enjoy the Day!!

Take Care,

Lady Gwennivere

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Bronxboomer, you can mix the pellets in with the seed mix to start off, but gradually decrease the seed mix and increase the pellets until you have the pellets only. I feed my grey a separate bowl with pellets in it and another for other things.:P

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Guest Monique

A scale is a must must have and I agree you need one. Since right now you're not sure... a great way to tell weight in general is to run your finger down his belly beneath his chin. If you can feel his breast bone poking out sharply he is too thin. If there's lots of cushion he might be overweight (pretty rare in Greys to have obesity problems).

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