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Two weeks from....


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Hell would be putting it mildly! Two weeks of dealing with a school principal who is on a mission to harm a child (mine) and has crossed the line like you wouldn't believe. I never thought someone in that position of responsibility would stoop so low as to go on a vendetta against a child because his parents questioned his authority to force a child to watch a video that was not authorized by the parent. Needless to say Paul is on his second day of being at home. The threats continued even after a district administrator informed him to stop.


On top of that, George died, we have Tequila Blue (Sun Conure) and Sarah's car died on Sunday. I had just replaced the battery in it and while driving it to her at work, it didn't exactly blow up, but with a cracked head, needing a new radiator, water pump, honing out the cylinders and new rings, we were looking at almost $3,600 in repairs. I brought home a new-used Mini Cooper for her. The things we parents do for our kids! Now I have to teach her how to drive it - not an automatic! I guess the bright spot in this scenario is I get to drive around in the mini until she's got it mastered! Zoom Zoom!

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rbpittman wrote:

I never thought someone in that position of responsibility would stoop so low as to go on a vendetta against a child because his parents questioned his authority to force a child to watch a video that was not authorized by the parent.!


I know where your coming from. It is VERY disturbing to realize that even at school level of government, these little people whom consider themselves demigods can and do take out there self righteousness out on our children and us if we try to exercise our God given right to decide what we wish our children to be taught as "right", when it goes against every moral fiber in our body.


My wife and I went through a few incidences like this ourselves with certain school demigods in various grades and it is a real pain and the person that suffers the most is the child not understanding why an adult in authority would act so childish and vindictive.


We home schooled our children for 4 years over an incident like that. I must say, when they went back to public school, they were a head of their grade level.

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We had a bit of trouble with Katie's head teacher too - he told six girls that they were bullies (these girls are sweet, lovely girls I must add) as and ex-friend who had started spreading rumours about these girls had been ignored and therefore the father went to the school to complain.


The head teacher came straight out with it - told them they were bullies.


I (along with the other five parents involved) went in and wiped the floor with him - needless to say he backed down.


I feel that some teachers are infatuated with their own authority and principals and only their word is sacred.


In the defence of other teachers - Katie has some marvellous teachers too.


Hope all turns out fine with Paul Robin - he's a smashing kid, by all accounts. Jill xx

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Well I've missed classes again today due to another conference with district and school officials. Hopefully everything is now resolved and Paul can go back to school. Apparently there have been some personnel changes....???


It's amazing when you call them on the authority they feel they have and don't that an educator with his doctorate would stoop as low as threatening a child. If I weren't a law student I would have had to pay for the advice, but fortunately, having access to real lawyers who teach us has helped tremendously. Especially my torts/property law instructor and my civil litigation instructor who wants to take the case pro bono just to teach them a lesson!


Sometimes the little guy does win in the end!

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