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Koko gave me a scare


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As usual, I took Koko out for a walk this morning. She was very vocal, making all sorts of sounds along the way. This is what she normally does every morning.


The moment we reached home, I placed her on her perch and I went to prepare her breakfast. Normally, she would fly to my shoulder while I was making her breakfast but this time she opted to stay on her perch.

Koko ate little bit of her food. She didn't seem to have appetite. She used to be hyperactive and talkative after breakfast but this morning she was docile and quiet. She flew to the staircase and sat there for the whole morning. She spent most of the time sleeping.


I was so worried sick about her. This had never happened before. At 12:30pm while we were preparing for lunch Koko suddenly flew to me asking for food. I gave her some oatmeal and she started eating it. I told my wife Koko is back to normal. At 1:30pm she flew to the staircase and started to vocal. What a relief that her amplifier was working.


She is 100% back to normal now. Does anyone experience something like this? What made Koko behave like this?

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Charlie sometimes has quiet days,he also has days where he does not eat as much as normal.It does not happen often but like you I worry when he is in that mood. I just keep a close eye on him for any signs of illness such as fluffing up or if he is not alert to things going on around him.Usually I know he is ok ,after six years with him I am quite clued up to his body language and just know when something is not right.

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