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tErRiBle TwO BeHaViOuR!!


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Emma will be 19 months old soon. I wonder if there is a behaviour difference between the two genders when they reach that 2 year old stage. I wish I had some kind of preview. I feel very confident about my current relationship with Emma and am very good at reading her body language. Haven't been bitten in months. I wonder if this wll change. Any feedback?


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/23 02:19<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/23 21:29

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Maybe you will be lucky like me Adina, Josey is 3 years, 4 months old and I never noticed any terrible twos as far as she is concerned, she is the same as always so it must vary from bird to bird. She doesn't bite, I have no problems putting her into her cage, behavior wise she is no problem.

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I think as long as you have a good relationship with Emma and a strong grounding with step up and can read her body language things should not become too bad.She may become a bit more assertive but this is quite normal.I had very little trouble with Charlie ,maybe the odd nip but nothing serious.I have noticed he is a lot more distructive lately,he is 6-7 years old now. I think this is also normal for a bird his age. I dont know if gender has any reflection on this,I suspect its more the environment and upbringing they recieve.

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I also think if you are aware of your bird and have a strong grounding you will have no problems. We have one of each and really Rangi the male actually started to calm down a lot after he turned 2. The biting stopped and he started to go back in his cage easily. I really think the worst stage with him was up until age 2.


Kea is nearly 2 and I can see signs of her wanting to be assertive, but this is not the first time she has shown these signs just in other ways.


Maybe having 2 of them helps because if one of them starts to get bossy the other one tells him/her to pull their head in, much better than we could.

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