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A question. My grey seems very interested in garlic when I am chopping it. I've given her a little bud to chew on & she not only unwraps it but bites it all up. I don't think she is eating it. Is this wrong, can it hurt her? I am talking about one little bud not the whole clove.

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good thing I read this I have been giving KC my Eclectus raw garlic not very much and garlic powder for over a year now, The raw garlic I can see where that might be bad but I have heard of people putting garlic powder on their birds food before so I guess I thought it was ok any way he is still healthy but no more garlic or garlic powder for him ,this is weird I have a bottle of garlic powder and a bottle of minced garlic and there is no ingredient list on any of theese bottles just a 1-800 phone number but I will take your word for it noooo more garlic my birdies

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I've also read about the harmful effects of garlic (I believe from someone in this forum whose grey was lost to garlic in fact), and for that reason I have a very strict "no garlic" policy for Chimay. Same goes for onions, garlic/onion powder, chives, green onion. Garlic is the only one that I've specifically read about harmful effects from, but I don't want to take any chances at all.


Besides who wants their birdie to have stinky garlic breath?? Ha ha! :sick: ;) :laugh:

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I am very grateful to all of you that answered this post. I am glad I found this out before I made this a practice! My green cheek also loved to chew garlic buds so I assumed it was OK & perhaps good for her. I am grateful I did not harm her, over time I have perhaps given her 3 or 4 buds total. I will never allow her near another. My grey has only had one bud...I wonder why they appear to like it so much? I should do more reading!

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