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Messy hair!


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My baby Squonk has a habit of covering me in his food.... he sits on my shoulder, I feed him whatever I am having, as long as it is healthy for him, he then chews bits off it and then flicks it down my cleavage, he then climbs into my hair to wipe his dirty beak on it. Today was warm porridge oats, very sticky, and I had to go out and see a client straight after with no time to wash my hair, added to that was a nice big dollop of green and white poop down my jacket,:P so glamorous!!!!!!

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I love that boy to bits, he also likes to wipe his beak on my face to clean it if I give him something sloppy to eat, also why is it if I give him warm sloppy food he reaches forwards and gulps at it yet will elegantly sit and eat a seed or a dry food? Anybody know? :dry:

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I have a solution to your messy eater, do not feed him when he is sitting on your shoulder, I feed my birds on a stand so they don't fling food on me or wipe their messy beaks on my hair. I got tired real quickly of them using me as a wipe so no more shoulder eating for mine, of course when they do come back on my shoulder my sleeves are used appropriately as napkins.:P B)

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