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Macey Died but Baby needs new home what do I do..?


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Hey everyone....Most of you know I Lost my poor Macey a week yesterday. I have since laid her to rest and had a bird bath made to put in my garden with her name on it.


My mum has since been trying to contact breeders who can help us with answers to our loss (our vet couldnt). She is such a lovely lady. She has 4 adult greys (all plucked that she has taken in) 3 babies and 3 macaws. She is an angel.....I went to see her today and she has a 12 week old grey who i saw. I didnt want to hold her but in the end I did. She is so lovley and playful and I feel bad that I have such heart break cos all she wanted to do was play..... she cuddled and kissed and wanted stroking and wanted to play for ages. I just felt so bad leaving her. My mum says they will buy her for our family and we can bring her home. Is it too soon as I am still dealing with my broken heart but when i saw this baby I knew I couldt leave her....what do i do?

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Nothing will ever replace Macey - she'll always be special. Only you know if you are ready for another bird. Remember, don't feel guilty. Your new bird isn't a replacement, just the next generation that needs some loving.


When I lost my cockatiel (I'd had him 17 years) in January I felt that I didn't want another bird, but I realised how empty the house was without a pet - and that's how Harvey arrived.


I'm sure you'll make the right decision :)

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I absolutely agree....only you can know if you're ready for a new grey baby. There is NOTHING in the world that could ever replace your beloved Macey. On the same token, if you were to take this new baby grey in, don't think that you'd love him/her any less BECAUSE he/she isn't Macey. Just like kids, you'll love him/her for the wonderful individual they are.


Good luck with your decision, and please keep us posted

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Macey was my pride and Joy anod NOTHING will replace her. Ever...


I have never seen or touched a baby grey before I was so struck with this one. I know she will be loved in our home and I think Its time ALL my family got to feel what its like to love a grey not just me. x

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Hi Guys

The lady that has been rearing her sent some photos of her today she is so lovely and playful its hard not to like her, she is not naughty and loves to be cuddled and likes both males and females.

The lady that has her has 7 greys and 2 mcaws all adopted that she has taken in because they have had bad homes she is an angel, she treats them all the same and they are so spoilt. She has no children and I think she treats them like her babies :)

I have decided to call the new baby Cookie because she is so sweet what do u guys think. I will forward some photos as soon as I can. We cant bring her home for another 2 weeks but I will post some photos asap. xx

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Hi Guys

The lady that has been rearing her sent some photos of her today she is so lovely and playful its hard not to like her, she is not naughty and loves to be cuddled and likes both males and females.

The lady that has her has 7 greys and 2 mcaws all adopted that she has taken in because they have had bad homes she is an angel, she treats them all the same and they are so spoilt. She has no children and I think she treats them like her babies :)

I have decided to call the new baby Cookie because she is so sweet what do u guys think. I will forward some photos as soon as I can. We cant bring her home for another 2 weeks but I will post some photos asap. xx

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