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stay on cage


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I have had my Grey for about 6 months I have heard people say you can train them to stay on there cage till you ask them to come on demand.I was wondering how to do this.As always he wants to be by his best friend my boyfriend,at times its ok.Does anyone have any ideas how this is taught?

As we want to teach him to come on demand,as sometimes he gets in trouble.

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My Yoshi is pretty good at staying on her play-top or play-stand, but I believe any bird is going to get into trouble if they are not watched for long enough. Each bird is different. You can teach them to come to you with repitition, and reward them for staying on their cages, but I wouldn't leave him unsupervised and expect him to just stay put too long.

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It take allot of repetition you must put them back and give them something to do you can not expect a bird to stay put if you don't supply fun things for him to do like make up some foraging toys like dixicups folded up with a treat inside or a plastic container that they have to pop the lid off to get the treat the clear ones are best because that way they can see the treat and won't give up til the get it. even lots of toys and shreadable any thing that will keep them in the same place. when they fly off put them back you may have to do all this 1000 times before they get the Idea that they are suppose to stay there.

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Pat is right, you just have to keep putting them back on the stand or wherever you want them to stay, it may take hundreds or thousands of times but they will get the message eventually.


Josey pretty much stays where I put her but she is not capable of flight at the moment, when she gets that ability back I may have to work with her to get her to stay where I want her but that is a river I will cross when I come to it.

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My advice, get the Atom...ha ha. When my boyfriend comes home from work and gives Chimay his dinner, he'll get onto his Atom and refuse to come down b/c he loves it so much. Lol!


I absolutely agree with everyone else here....repetition. The longer he stays on the cage where you want him to be, maybe give him praise to let him know that he's a good boy when he stays up there.


Keep us posted on his progress!

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I will try putting her back and see how that works.What I have found is she is in "LOVE" with my boyfriend which is a good thing as she wasnt getting the attention before I got her.She was always locked up in a room before.She is good but she will always go where ever he goes. My other birds will stay on there cages for hours on end.Until I go and get them.Which is nice I have a large tree branch in the familyroom with all kinds of toys on and Teaka will not go there ever all she wants is to be with my boyfriend on his lap.I do know she needs the attention that she was missing but it would be nice that we could let her out and she could just stay on her cage with her playstand sometimes or stay on the large tree it is in the same room as us,but she just prefers the LAP I guess.I am going to keep working with her.She always just goes and flys to him every time

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I have hanging boings and perches all over the house hanging from the ceiling. All close to where I sit or stand. In the beginning Ana Grey always wanted to be on me and I have just made that unavailable by removing her and telling her no and by having alternate close by places for her so she can still be close to me. Perhaps a table perch close to where your boyfriend sits might help.

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I have to say I tryed a pop bottle with a few peanuts in she just loved playing with it.I think it took her a hour of work for those peanuts just to get the cap off.If anyone has good ideas with things around the house let me know.As I am new at owning my grey.

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