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Progress on Pinky


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Hello Everybody


I have now had Pinky for a couple of months and I just want to let you know who it's going and maybe get some tip and helpers to nip any problems right at the start.


I have him on a Zupreen diet and have taught him to eat grapes and raisin (not too many at a time but maybe 1 or 2 every other day) Bananas was not a hit.


He is imitating sounds and start making noises as soon as I leave the room, even just for a second or two.


He got a nice, new, big cage, some nature branches and some toys.

He is not very good at playing with his toys, only a couple of rope rings is played with.


He has been out of the cage a couple of times but he fly like a brick.


The worst part is that he won't allow me to touch him and try to bite when I get near him.

I have tried to say no in a stern voice when he bites and he seen to understand (for a moment)

Often he will sit in the corner of the cage near me and look like he want to participate but as soon as I go near the cage he retreats away.

When I give him grapes, he does understand what is finger and what is treat and just grab the grape.


He is 2 years old and have been mistreated by his siblings as a young bird. I have read that the 2 year period can be a difficult one. Should I expect him to be more docile as he get a bit older?


Feel free to give any pointers to help me on the way.



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Two months may seem like a long time but if he was mistreated by others then it will take more time for him to come to allow you to touch him. Some are just more stand offish and don't like being touched very much and maybe Pinky is like that.


I would continue to do what you are doing, don't force yourself on him, just go close enough that he is comfortable with and give him some more time to trust you. His trust has been damaged and it will hard but not impossible to gain it.


Continue to do things where he can see you, get some of his toys and play with them, act like you are having a great time with them, greys are curious and when he is ready he will come closer and join you but let him make that decision.


I wouldn't try to touch him for now, he needs to learn to trust you and if you keep trying to touch him then he never will trust you.


Some of the more knowledgeable members will have some other ideas and suggestions for you too but hang in there.

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It sounds like you are taking it slow and doing the right things. He is obviously very fearful right now.


You say he was mistreated by his siblings. I assume this means his fellow greys from the clutch he was in?


Was he hand friendly at the previous home or just in a cage with other Greys?

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