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So Yoshi has been off of formula for a week now, and I believe has been just fine. Eating her own food, and tasting pretty much anything we put in front of her.


This afternoon though I went to pet Yoshi and she did the 'duck, touch fingers, and jerk head up and down' thing she did when she was hand-feeding from a spoon. She has done this randomly a couple times, but today was persistent... soon after my husband and I were preparing dinner, so as a treat I put an apple slice and a couple pieces of pasta on the counter and she joined us in the preparing, tearing apart that and hopping over to grab cooked chicken and mushroom from where we were preparing 'human dinner' :P She had a great time...


We ate dinner and watched a bit of TV with Yoshi on her play stand, then upstairs into our computer room with Yoshi chilling with us on top of her cage. I go to pet her and she still does the hungry begging thing, if that's what that is?


Maybe she is just getting over hand feeding, maybe she is just being a baby begging and I shouldn't feel worried, but I need some advice on this. I don't want Yoshi to be deprived!


Later on, before bed, she was totally normal again, flapping her wings and nibbling on her toy before giving goodnight kisses to me and Mike, and lights out. So at least I don't feel she went to bed hungry or anything like that.

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not sure on the handfeeding because Rudy is 19 weeks old and she is still on 2 handfeedings, one in the morning and one at night she just loves her formula I guess,as long as she wants it I don't mind

I don't suggest u feed Yoshi any more mushrooms though I have heard and read that mushrooms are fungus and should not be fed to parrots, I came close on feeding them to my Eclectus once but I did a little research before hand and that is what I found so no mushrooms for theese guys

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